

Serve Up A Healthy Canine Crudites Platter

Dogs love special treats.  We love to give them treats as a token of our love & affection, as training incentive, or just because we’re snacking in front of the TV ourselves, and really, what’s the fun of snacking alone!?  

As the holiday season begins we indulge ourselves with reckless abandon, eating and drinking our way through November and December, just in time to renew the New Year’s weight loss resolutions we’ll promptly break by March. 

For some reason, we extend these indulgences to our dogs as well.  We share turkey with gravy, meatballs, all matter of cheese products, chips, pretzels and occasionally lasagna (my Mom is guilty of that one!) from our holiday table.   

As much as they love us for it, some holiday treats can be downright dangerous to our dogs.  Chocolate is at the top of the list, which also includes onion, garlic, grapes & raisins, macadamia nuts and alcohol.  Many of these things are included in stuffing, cookies, and food gift baskets. 

Healthy snacks for your dog you probably already have in your kitchen
A healthy Canine Crudites platter can prevent guests from sneaking your dog unhealthy foods from the table

We can’t always control, or even remember, which foods our dogs should avoid.  Even if we know not to give our pets these foods, our guests may not have a clue as to what can be harmful to dogs.  Guests seem to get a kick out of giving a dog treats from the table, and they may not ask if it’s ok.  At our last New Year’s Eve party, one of our guests fed little Phoebe what seemed like a pound of Jarlsberg cheese.  Fortunately, the only negative side effect she suffered was gas…. all night long!

Preparing a Canine Crudites Platter can curb the temptation to sneak your dog foods that may be harmful to her.  The platter contains foods that are safe and healthy for your dog, and they’ll devour these treats with as much gusto as a handful of chips or a wad of pepperoni. 

Make this healthy Canine Crudites Platter

The platter can include slices of banana, apple, boiled sweet potato, or pumpkin - still have that Halloween pumpkin outside?   You can add carrots, snap peas, pineapple, or broccoli.   Top a few of these with a dollop of peanut butter or organic applesauce and a small biscuit to make it pawsitively irresistible to your dog.   You can also mash up tuna fish or cooked chicken, mix with peanut butter and roll into peanut butter balls.  

If guests want to give your dog some treats encourage them to offer doggie safe treats from the platter.  You can give your dogs these special treats without an ounce of guilt!

A  Canine Crudites platter is so easy to prepare, you probably have many of the ingredients in your kitchen already.  It’s no-bake, inexpensive, and healthy.  Best of all, your dog will love you for it! 

My dogs love healthy treats right from my kitchen
My girls love these healthy snacks!

What healthy vegetables do your pets like to eat?  Leave us a comment and share!


Unknown said...

During the holidays, I make special dog cookies and always keep a plate of them out next to the human ones. It's the one and only time of the year I explore my DIY goddess and them I'm done till the next year. Great idea to make them their own party plate of safe goodies for guests to feed them.

Unknown said...

Nice platter!!! My huskies tend to be a bit picky, but their fav veggie is is carrots! Can't get enough carrots! They used to eat bananas, but now they just sort of lick them! haha! I remember one time my brother was over and I went to the store and once I came back he was telling me how much my huskies loved these chocolate cookies.....CHOCOLATE COOKIES????? *sigh*
Have a great weekend!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

Rascal and Rocco said...

Great idea, fun to have a special platter for your fur babies on a special occasion. Charcoal biscuits are life saving (at least nose saving) for gassy dogs. Thanks for sharing on the Pet Parade. ~Rascal and Rocco

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Charcoal biscuits, I'll have to check that out. Anything that prevents gassy dogs has to be a good thing! Thanks for sharing that tip!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

OMG, chocolate cookies!? Yikes. That's why I have the platter! Little Phoebe loves carrots and bananas, but my Husky Isis is partial to anything sweet potato/yam. Are all Huskies as picky as she is?? I think she wants to be a Vogue model or something, some days she barely eats a morsel of food, Sometimes I need to bribe her with boiled eggs or chicken to get her to eat her food!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I do the same thing, my doggie platter among the human platters - my brother in law once starting eating the veggies off the canine crudité platter - Hey, hands Off!! LOL. I like to bake but I honestly don't bake for the dogs, but one day I'll explore my DIY Goddess too! For now, I'll stick to the easy healthy snacks.

Kari Neumeyer said...

Good idea. My dogs don't go for carrots or apples, but SOMEONE in my house seems to have trained them to expect to get french fries when the humans are eating them.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

LOL! A culprit in our house introduced my dogs to Sweet Potato fries!! Big mistake! Thanks for stopping by the blog, Kari!

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