

Forget the Super Bowl – Watch the Puppy Bowl instead!

If you’re not sufficiently excited about Super Bowl XLVIII this year, you can tune in to Animal Planet’s Puppy Bowl X instead, where you can watch the live Puppy Bowl and Kitty half-time show during the Super Bowl.  You can even create your own Fantasy Puppy Bowl Team and track their play on  Pick your players from their draft list of puppy players.  Here are my Fantasy draft picks:

I chose Shyla a Great Pyrenees, for her strength and size, and I figured those soulfull eyes might distract the other players.  I chose Delachaise, a Pit Bull mix because, well who wouldn’t want a Pit Bull on their Puppy Bowl team!?  I chose Bach, a Bernese Mountain dog because he’s built like a linebacker.  This weekend, my husband will be watching the Super Bowl with his friends, drinking beer, eating junk food and no doubt making a mess while I relax with the Puppy Bowl in the bedroom.  Good luck to all the Pups in Puppy Bowl X, may the best puppies win!!  Really, who cares who wins, either way we all win; we get to watch puppies play all afternoon!

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