


We love to give our dogs special treats as a token of our love & affection, as a reward during training sessions, or maybe just because we're snacking in front of the TV and we want to share the fun!  For the most part, we've had two options; purchase expensive packaged dog treats or give our dog table food as treats.  But there is another option, healthy dog treats right in your own kitchen waiting to be discovered!

Healthy Dog Treats You Already Have In Your Kitchen!

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Healthy Dog Treats & Snacks From Your Kitchen

Packaged dog treats from a pet supplies store can get expensive.  In addition, they often contain ingredients we may not want our dogs to have too much of, and some ingredients that sound downright scary. Things like Propylene Glycol, Glycerin, phosphoric acid, sugar, salt, and starch are things most of us don't want our dogs to eat.  Even so called healthy dog treats may contain ingredients like these.

Human Foods That Are Toxic To Dogs

Most table food is unhealthy at best and some can actually be toxic to dogs.  Chocolate tops the list of foods that are extremely harmful to dogs.  Others include onion, garlic, grapes & raisins, macadamia nuts and alcohol.  Even if you are conscientious about not feeding your dog these foods directly, prepared foods may contain them.  Sauces, gravies, marinated meats, dips, cookies, chips, muffins, and other dishes may contain ingredients that are harmful to dogs.

If you want to give your dog healthy treats without having to cook or bake them, just look in your fridge or kitchen pantry.  Most people already have on hand a myriad of healthy snacks their dogs would love.  Not only are these foods safe and healthy for dogs, but most dogs love them!  Step into your kitchen now, I bet you have several of these healthy treats already.  Your dog might even prefer these healthy snacks to some of those expensive treats you've been buying!


* Carrots
* Bananas
* Blueberries
* Apples
* Sweet Potato (Cooked, not raw)
* Pumpkin (100% pumpkin canned or a fresh pumpkin, cooked)
* Peas
* Pineapple
* Broccoli
* Organic applesauce
* Organic Peanut Butter
* Nonfat Yogurt
* Eggs (boiled, scrambled, poached - not cooked in butter, fat, or vegetable oil - but olive oil is ok)

Icy and Phoebe love boiled or scrambled eggs, cooked sweet potato and pumpkin.  I sometimes mix these ingredients with their dog food as a special treat or when Icy is being particularly finicky.  They'll both gobble up anything mixed with eggs, sweet potato or pumpkin!  Any of the above veggies or fruit with a drop of peanut butter, plain non-fat yogurt or applesauce will make them do cartwheels!  

When I have guests over, I prepare what I call my Canine Crudites Platter, pictured above.  This collection of healthy foods for dogs discourages guests from giving my dogs table food - you know how guests just love to feed our pets during parties!

Apples are one of the Healthy Dog Treats you probably have in your kitchen
Apples are one of the healthy treats Icy and Phoebe love!

These are healthy dog treats I always feel good about giving Icy and Phoebe.  They're inexpensive, super healthy and really easy.  No trip to the store needed and no baking.  Bon Appetit!

What healthy treats make your pets do cartwheels?  Leave us a comment & share, we love hearing from you!

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D said...

Love the idea of making this canine crudites! :) Nailah is a huge fan of carrots so I think she'd really dig this.

Unknown said...

My dogs like most of all those foods you listed! I'm seriously thinking about getting a dehydrator so I can dry different fruits for them and make jerky.

AnnStaub said...

Also low in calories! Their little treat platter looks yummy! Shiner likes bananas, apples, sweet potatoes and eggs.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Carrots are a big favorite with a lot of dogs. I hope she enjoys the canine crudités. Thanks for stopping by!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

That's an awesome idea, Lisa. Dogs love jerky! The fruit will last longer that way too. Thanks for visiting the blog!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Yes, definitely great for preventing weight gain that can come with packaged treats. Sounds like a Canine Crudite Platter is in Shiner's future! Those 4 things would be great together, Isis and phoebe love them too.

Sheltie Times said...

Great suggestions.

Unknown said...

Our dogs do not like raw vegetables. They like them cooked but won't touch raw. They do love hard boiled eggs, bananas and apples with some peanut butter on them though. The Canine Crudite Platter is a great idea but we would have to adjust it a bit for my two :)

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Healthy Indeed! Happy Tasty Tuesday. Golden Woofs

Flea said...

Oh my dog - my babies love eggs. And I have plenty of those. Thanks for the reminder!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thanks! Glad you paid us a visit!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Interesting, nothing raw, huh? You would probably have to boil or steam the veggies. Either way, still healthy! Thanks for stopping by Stacey!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Happy tasty Tuesday to you too, Sugar! Thanks for visiting us today.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I'm learning that SO many dogs love eggs! I guess it's a throwback to their wild ancestry of wolves - wolves commonly raid nests and eat the eggs. Thanks for visiting, Flea!

Cynthia J. Coleman said...

Ziggy, my Yorkie mix, likes just about anything covered in cheese- even veggies- cooked though. He's a pretty picky eater, otherwise.

M Dawson said...

I am always amazed that dogs eat so much healthy stuff. If I tried this on the cats I would be met with SUCH a look!! However, I think there is a middle ground around the subject of cheese!

Michelle & The Paw Pack said...

One of my dogs likes all of those foods! My other dog is much pickier and won't eat most raw fruit or veggies but does like eggs, peanut butter, and yogurt. I learned the hard way to only give my dogs broccoli in very small amounts, lol. The dog snack platter you pictured is so cute!

Terri said...

What a great idea! I especially love the Canine Crudites Platter idea. Fabulous! My dog, Henry would love it! I also really like that you covered which foods are toxic to dogs. Really good information. Thanks!

DawgBlogger said...

My dog is reading over my shoulder and says there isn't enough meat on that list! LOL She does like eggs, though.

Kamira G said...

I never knew there were so many healthy options for dogs. I knew about apples and peanut butter but that's about it. This is a great go-to guide and very helpful for pet parents looking to avoid junk ingredients with commercial pet treats. Thanks for sharing. Pinning this!

LaylasWoof said...

Great list and veggies or fruit are so important and healthy for them, I posted on my blog this week a recipe that I make for Madam

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

Great ideas. Our doggie cousin love scrambled eggs! We know he also loved peanut butter, but we're not sure he's tried some of the other things on the list. We'll make sure to tell him!

Britt K said...

Carrots are a HUGE win in our house. They all treat them like a bone, sitting down and munching away on them. We have to refer to them as 'those orange sticks' right now because they have learned the word carrot and I'm sure that phrase isn't going to work for us much longer haha

Sadie said...

My guys don't mind that I'm vegan. They're right there at the kitchen counter waiting for me to toss them bits of my lunch. Snap peas, carrots, and cucumber with the skin removed. They have blueberries with their breakfast. Who doesn't need vegetables!? 😊

Beth said...

Great suggestions! A healthy treat is good for all of us. We have a tortoise who is essentially a vegan. My dogs love all of his food, including baby spinach, kale, and zucchini.

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