

2 New Dog Products Will Make Life A Little Easier

I'd like to share two new products I recently discovered that are making life with Icy and Phoebe a little easier.  If you're not familiar with these 2 products, give them a try, I think you'll like them.

The first one is the LICKETY STIK, a lickable dog treat!  I discovered Lickety Stik at a BlogPaws conference.  It comes in several flavors, and I couldn't help myself, I had to take 3 different flavors home to my girls!  Peanut butter, Liver, and Chicken.  Icy and Phoebe loved all 3!

Just give the bottle a shake, open the cap and let your dog lick her way to a yummy reward.  It's a clean, easy way to give a treat.  When I'm practicing obedience training, I can instantly treat when my dog gives me the desired behavior.  I don't have to dig in my pocket or treat bag for messy treats. The sticks store and travel really well too, I don't have to pack treats into airtight plastic bags.

The 3 flavors of LICKETY STIK I decided to try; Peanut butter, Liver, & Chicken

A roller ball dispenses the LICKETY STIK treat easily, your dog just licks it!

The next product I want to tell you about is FRESH AND FLUFFY dry dog shampoo.  It's all natural and requires no water - YAY!  I won this product in a contest hosted by the Long Island Pet Professionals group in New York.  I've been looking for the perfect time to try it.  That time came when Icy decided to roll around on the grass in a substance most foul.  She stunk to high heaven! She was not coming back in the house stinking like that!  We've all been there, haven't we?

I decided to try FRESH AND FLUFFY, and it worked great.  It was quick and super easy to use, and the foul odor was gone!  I was so happy I didn't have to run out to the groomer and get her bathed - at $45 a pop!  Nor did I have to bring her inside (Pee -Yewie!)  and attempt to bathe her in the tub.  Icy does not do well in the tub, I have to get mentally prepared to bathe her myself.  With Fresh and Fluffy, I just laid a towel outside and dry shampooed her in the yard.

I sprinkled the dry shampoo onto Icy, being careful not to get it in her eyes

I then rubbed the dry shampoo into her fur, spreading it all around & avoiding her eyes
Here's Icy looking beautiful after being shampooed & brushed out.  Far more importantly, she SMELLED good!!
Whew! I was so relieved that a dog dry shampoo got the stench out of Icy!  Phoebe darling, You're Next!!

NOTE: I did not receive any compensation for writing about either of these products.  I received free samples of Lickety Stik, which were made available to all conference attendees.  I was not asked to write about these products.


Two French Bulldogs said...

We think you made a very good guinea pig trying that fluffy stuff, BOL. We have nothing to fluff
Lily & Edward

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

LOL! I don't think you need fluffy fur to use it! Thanks for stopping by today.

Unknown said...

Woah!!! That shampoo looks super cool!!!! My huskies hate the bath tub, so this would be pawfect!!!!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I can relate, bathing Isis in the tub is NOT something I relish, but I also don't appreciate expensive groomer bath's. I can't imagine bathing 3 Huskies, what a fiasco! Let me know if you try the dry shampoo & if you like it. Thanks for stopping by Jenna, have a Pawsome weekend!

Unknown said...

I agree with Jenna! That shampoo looks awesome! I am going to have to get some of that. My three hate baths and they are so big that I have a hard time getting them in the tub. What a great idea!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Definitely try it, it was so easy. Isis is a major pain in the tub, usually we just pay the money & get her bathed @ the groomers, but this worked out great. Thanks for stopping by!

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