

100 Places To See With Your Dog: Flagstaff, Arizona

Last Thursday the weather in Phoenix was expected to hit 100 degrees.  It's way too early for 100 degrees, so last minute we decided to load the dogs into the car and head North to Flagstaff for beautiful mountains and much cooler weather!  Although it's only 3 hours away, it's nearly 30 degrees cooler in Flagstaff than in Phoenix!  Temps in Phoenix can easily reach 110 degrees in Summer, so it's no surprise that Phoenicians flock to Flagstaff in Summer!

Icy was in heaven with the cool weather in Flagstaff.  Here she is posing amongst the beautiful Aspen trees.  Aspen trees look a lot like White Birch trees.
Flagstaff is largely known for being a fun college town, but high elevation and levels of precipitation provide lots of natural beauty and cooler outdoor activities as well.  You can be skiing in Flagstaff in the morning, and sipping a latte at an outdoor cafe in 70 degree Phoenix weather in the afternoon!  It's the coolest thing!

Me, Icy and Phoebe at the base of Humphrey's Peak in the Snowbowl ski area.  You can see beautiful whitecapped mountains of snow in the distance, they blend right in with the clouds!
We headed up to Flagstaff in the morning and decided to hike Humphrey's Peak over at the Snowbowl ski resort.  It's closed for skiing for the season, but it's super popular for hiking as well.  Humphrey's Peak is part of the San Francisco Peaks, a group of extinct volcanic peaks.  It's the highest point in Arizona with an elevation of 12,637 feet!  No, we did not make it to the top.  I would have passed out cold long before reaching the peak!

We were elated to see a good amount of snow still on the ground at the base of the mountain, and patches of snow around the area. We hadn't had a chance to get up there for skiing this season, a huge disappointment, but romping with the dogs in what remained of the season's snow almost made up for it!  It was such a great day!

Phoebe jumped up on this really high rock all by herself!
Like most of Arizona, there are lots of dog friendly places in Flagstaff so finding a place to stop for lunch with the dogs was no problem.

Of course, after our fabulous trip to Flagstaff, we had to spend a night at our all time favorite place, Sedona!  It's just 40 minutes South of Flagstaff, so it wouldn't be right if we didn't include a side trip to Sedona now would it?  One of the best views, in my opinion, is heading South from Flagstaff to Sedona along 89A.  We pulled off the road and my husband took this scenic photo of Phoebe and I.

After an active couple of days we were all ready to relax in our hotel room!

Have you ever been to Flagstaff or Sedona?  What's your favorite place to take your dogs for outdoor adventure?  Leave us a comment, we always love hearing from you!

We are joining the Monday Mischief blog hop, although we're a bit late!


Two French Bulldogs said...

Love those white birch
Lily & Edward

Beth said...

Looks like a lovely place!

Unknown said...

Ah you go to so many great places!!!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Aren't they beautiful? They're actually Aspen trees, but they do look just like White Birch trees. There are subtle differences in the bark. Thanks for stopping by!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

It's so beautiful up there, we love it! Thanks for stopping by!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

We try! Thanks for stopping by Jenna!

Talent Hounds said...

Look beautiful. I think Kilo and I would have enjoyed. He doesn't like it too hot or too cold and loves exploring with me if there are no other dogs near. Have a great weekend.

MattieDog said...

Great post! We be looking to visit the Flagstaff area so dis is very timely for us - thank you!

Robin said...

Whew! It is hot there! Here in Michigan, we are all melting when it hits 90.Then again, when it is 90 here, it is usually around 80% humidity too. I've never been to Arizona, but it looks like a beautiful place. I'm glad you guys had a great trip.
-Purrs from your friends at

AnnStaub said...

I've never been there before but it looks beautiful! Those trees especially in the background.

DawgBlogger said...

I don't think we're ever going that far but it sure looks lovely :-)

Unknown said...

I'd love to get out there someday. Being from Michigan you'd think that having such a drastic chance in weather from one place to another wouldn't be a big deal but it would be so crazy to see that in person. I love the Aspen trees; they really do look a lot like Birch trees which we miss dearly here in the Midwest. It looks so beautiful and hopefully I'll get to visit sometime.

Unknown said...

This looks like so much fun! I've only been to Arizona once, but it is definitely on my list to visit again someday. When we're looking for a cool, fun place to explore, we head down to Hocking Hills, Ohio. They have beautiful cabins and tons of places to adventure, like Old Man's Cave. It's very dog friendly there too! Thanks for sharing! :)

Amanda Yantos said...

I really need to take my kids to Flagstaff! It's so great that you got to see some snow - sounds like you had such a wonderful time! I took Wynston to Sedona last year before we rescued Khloee and it was so much fun. I loved how dog friendly it is. We are lucky to live in such a dog welcoming state!

Unknown said...

We just love love love Flagstaff! Wish we were close enough to take the boys! Someday we will take the cross country trip with them!

Life with Dogs and Cats said...

Looks like lots of great dog-friendly places!
--Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats

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