

Thoughtless Thursday Blog Hop and Liebster Award

I am so honored that my friend Jenna from Love Is Being Owned By A Husky nominated me to receive a Liebster Award!  A Liebster award is given to bloggers by other bloggers.  I’m especially delighted since Love Is Being Owned By A Husky  is one of my favorite blogs!

Jenna shares a lot of useful information not only about Huskies, but about dogs in general on her blog.  I’ve definitely learned quite a few things from Jenna.  She also designs beautiful pet themed jewelry, which is available for sale on her blog!  If you’re not familiar with Jenna and her 3 beautiful Siberian Huskies, definitely check out her blog at Love Is Being Owned By A Husky. 

Paws Up for Mom getting a Liebster!

I’ve noticed that the “rules” for the Liebster award can vary greatly.  The number of questions often varies with Leibster Award recipients, so I’ve selected 5 questions to answer.  They are:

1) What is your ultimate vision for your blog, and has it changed since you started? Yes, the vision for my blog has changed a bit since I started it. Initially, I just wanted to share information about animal welfare.  With several years experience as an animal shelter volunteer I wanted to help people be more responsible pet parents.  I also wanted to raise awareness about how people can better help and support homeless pets.  As I continued blogging I realized there was a strong need for tips and information on overall pet health and well being as well.  I’ve learned a lot about that not only from my own pets but through the shelters I have volunteered for over the years, so I felt in was an opportunity to share what I’ve learned.   I also really enjoy sharing stories about the travel  adventures we have with our 2 dogs and the Therapy Dog work I do with my Husky, Isis so I've incorporated that as well.  It’s so rewarding when people say they’ve enjoyed reading about our experiences and that I've helped them in some way!

2) Do your dogs have a favorite treat, if so, what is it? Both my dogs go wild for peanut butter!  They also love anything with sweet potato or salmon!

3) Are you a neat freak or slightly cluttered? I hate clutter, and although I like things to be tidy I could never claim to be a neat freak.  Fortunately, however, my husband is!   He’s the one who keeps things neat & clean around here, and I don't mind admitting it!

4) How long have you been blogging and what got you started?

I’ve been blogging since November, 2013 – I can’t believe it’s been that long!  I love to write and I am guilty of chewing peoples’ ear off about animal welfare and how to be a more responsible pet owner.  Just get me started and…….. I turn into Chatty Cathy!  My husband sometimes chastises me after I’ve lectured spoken with a stranger about homeless animals or the importance of keeping one’s dog on leash & cleaning up poop where it’s required.  I think I embarrass him sometimes – imagine that, LOL!  I finally decided to blog about animal welfare and responsible pet parenthood rather than talking about it with anyone and everyone I could get to listen!
5) What is one of your favorite things to do with your pet? My favorite thing to do with my dogs is hiking!  We love exploring new trails near home and during our frequent travels across the U.S.  It’s such a great activity to do with the dogs, it’s good exercise and a wonderful way to bond with our dogs!

Hiking in the Phoenix mountains
Thanks so much Jenna, for this recognition, it really means a lot!  There are so many wonderful blogs and bloggers I’ve come to know since I’ve been blogging.  Each of them have inspired me and taught me something new about pets that I had not known before.  I love connecting with other pet bloggers, it’s such a wonderful community of people!

I would now like to nominate the following bloggers for a Leibster Award.  These are bloggers whose blogs I thoroughly enjoy and who have inspired me, each in their own way:
Saving More Than Me
Playful Kitty

The Pet Mom

Dog Mom Days
Now these 4 wonderful bloggers are tasked with paying it forward and recognizing a few of their favorite blogs to be the recipient of a Liebster Award as well!  Pass the award on by doing the following:

* Acknowledge and accept the Liebster Award by leaving a comment on the blog where you were nominated.

* Copy and paste the Liebster Award logo onto your own blog.

* Link back to the blogger who awarded you.

* Answer the same questions that were answered by the person who nominated you.

* Nominate and link to approximately 3 to 5 other bloggers you think deserve a Liebster award too.

* List 5 questions for your Liebster Award nominees on your blog. 

* Inform your nominees by leaving a comment on their blog.

Blog Hop is Closed


M. K. Clinton said...

Congratulations! You are very deserving of the Liebster! ♥ I also love the choices that you made in paying it forward.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thank you so much, M.K.! I'm so honored to have received this award. It means a lot because it's a blogger to blogger award and represents acknowledgement from my peers! So many great bloggers, it was really hard to choose who to nominate next! Thanks for stopping by today!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Congrats on your cool award
Lily & Edward

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thank you so much, Lily and Edward for stopping by to congratulate us!!

Kimberly said...

Thank you so much for the award Cathy. I'm honored that you thought of me =) I can't wait to see you in Nashville so we can be Chatty Cathy and Chatty Kimberly together ;) I have lots to talk to you about!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

You are so welcome! You are such a great blogger, I love your blog! I can't wait to see you in Nashville - can you believe it's been a year already!? So much has happened since then! We'll definitely chat up a storm at the conference! Thanks for accepting my Liebster nomination!

Unknown said...

Congratulations for receiving the Liebster award. That hiking photo looks really cool! The "Paws Up" trick is outstanding. While your ultimate vision has slightly changed you are consistent in that you care deeply about educating the public about care of our furry friends. Kudos for a job well done.

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