

My 8 Photos of Happiness

I was nominated to participate in the 8 Photos of Happiness tag that has been storming the internet.  I'd like to thank my good friend Jenna from Love Is Being Owned By A Husky for nominating me to participate in this fun initiative!  Jenna wasn't the only blogger to nominate me for this tag, but her's was the first nomination. 

I've had so many moments of sheer happiness thanks to my dogs. It wasn't easy to choose just 8 photos of happiness from the millions of photos I've taken over the last few years!  Having pets in my life makes me so happy, and the few years I wasn't able to have a pet created a big void.  I hope I'm never without a pet again for the rest of my life!

It took a long time to convince my husband to finally let me have a dog.  As you can see from this photo, once Icy came along he fully embraced life with his very first dog! 

When Icy was a puppy, I remember the day she finally "got" the Leave It! command.  We were finally able to all watch TV together peacefully, without Icy chasing Maggie.  Maggie has since gone to the Rainbow Bridge to wait for us.  We Love & Miss You, Maggs!

Volunteering at the county animal shelter and fostering dogs in need make me really happy. Fostering saves lives, and that makes everyone happy!

Adopting sweet Phoebe from the shelter I volunteer at and watching her and Icy become friends was joyful.  I was so happy they hit it off, and grew to love each other like sisters! With Icy being the Pack Leader and boss, of course LOL!

Road trips with the dogs!  We love traveling cross country to visit family and taking fun vacations with our dogs, especially where there are lots of beautiful hiking trails.

Hiking is our favorite activity to do with our dogs. I love Icy's wild, adventurous side on the trails, and Phoebe's fierce determination to keep up with us on our mountain hikes!

This was fun!  

I hope you enjoyed my 8 Photos of Happiness!  Part of this tag is to nominate other bloggers to participate.  I would like to nominate the following 5 bloggers.  If you haven't been introduced to these bloggers yet, check them out!  You'll really enjoy their blogs and you are sure to learn something new from each of them:

Saving More Than Me
Two French Bulldogs
Pawsome Cats
Cat Chat With Caren and Cody
Dog Guy Josh
The Playful Kitty
The Dog Training Lady

Guidelines to participate in the 8 Photos of Happiness tag:

1) Thank your nominator, and link to them in your post.
2) Link to the creator of the tag : Ariel's Little Corner Of The Internet. 
3) Post your 8 photos of happiness.
4) You can either write a brief description of the photo's, or let the photos talk for you.
5) Continue to spread the happiness tag, and tag up to 10 other bloggers.



The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Those are some great and happy photos!!!

Jackie Bouchard said...

Those are some awesome things to be happy about! (I had to introduce the hubs to life with dogs as well. He's fully converted to it now!)

M. K. Clinton said...

These are super fun photos and they made me smile. I love the puppy kissing your laughing face! BOL! ♥

Anonymous said...

Hi Cathy,
Thanks, I'll do my best - but I have to fly home first. I love your photos they are adorable.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Thanks so much for tagging us! Ours will be posted this Wednesday!!! xoxo We LOVED your photos! Cat Chat With Caren and Cody

Unknown said...

What heartwarmingly happy snaps! We love them!

Karen said...

I love seeing everyone's happy photos. Thank you for sharing!

Angry Girl Fitness said...

Loved it! And what beautiful photos! Love the hiking ones. :-)

Unknown said...

Awww such great choices!!!!! thanks for accepting the tag!!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Yes, they are happy photos! Thanks for stopping by!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thanks Jackie, I'm glad you were able to introduce your hubby to the joys of life with dogs too! Thanks for stopping by!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Aww, thanks M.K.! I love that one too, it was taken during a volunteer event at the shelter. Thanks for stopping by!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thanks Caren, so glad you are joining this tag!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Aww, thank you! I'm glad you liked them.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Me too! It's so much fun to see all the great pics!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thanks Shannon, I love the hiking pics too! I just love hiking w/ my dogs!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

So glad you like the photos, thanks again for tagging us Jenna!

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