

Loving the Beauty of Fall

I love the Fall, especially when mom cooks up the pumpkin for us after Halloween is over. 

It's so much fun to run fast through all the leaves!

I love the beauty and colors of the Fall foliage, don't you?

What do you love most about Fall?  Leave a comment and tell us!


Sheltie Times said...

We love the weather. There is something about the nice crisp air that makes chasing the squirrels so much more entertaining.

Unknown said...

Gorgeous photos! We love autumn!

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

We love the animals in our neighbourhood, the deer in our yard. We also love to smell every leave that falls. Autumn is great.

Cowspotdog said...

here is florida we don't see many leaves dropping :)

Unknown said...

The cooler weather, but our color is slow this year it's too warm I guess. Love Dolly

Unknown said...

Fall is my favorite dog walking time of the year! It's not too hot or too cold and the fall colors put me in a fantastic mood. I feel just like Phoebe running through some leaves, lol!

Anonymous said...

Fall was always my favorite time of year. Loved watching Phoebe run through the leaves. I miss the beautiful leave colors and the crisp air. Thanks for sharing, at least I can see the enjoyment she has running outside. Dogs seem to get that extra friskiness when the cooler weather comes along.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

that video was darling! I like cold, crisp temps, sweaters, sweatshirts, running through leaves, the colors, football, Halloween, my birthday....I could go on and on!!

M. K. Clinton said...

I love all of the beautiful fall colors. The boys enjoy running through the leaves. ☺

Unknown said...

Crisp air and the sunshine streaming through the windows warming us up. And the leaves are fun to run through. Not so much to rake :)

Unknown said...

Fall is definitely one of my favorite seasons!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

Two French Bulldogs said...

We love that fall too! It needs to hurry and get here
Lily & Edward

jank1961 said...

We love the cool crisp air - that special smell of fall. Our golden Sheba spends so much more time now just lying on the deck. It's definitely her favorite season!
Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

jen said...

I love the leaves and the crispness in the air.

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