

My Owly Seasonal Greeting

I love making simple seasonal and holiday crafts this time of year.  Here's my Fall Owly wreath, which cost a whopping 14 bucks to make!

I made this simple Fall Owl wreath for around $14

I LOVE owls!  This one had such a pretty Fall coloring, I had to build my wreath around him!

I love owls!  This one was so pretty I had to put him in my Fall wreath

Are we gonna eat this yummy looking owl for Thanksgiving, mama?

No Smartypants, we're having Turkey on Thanksgiving like always!

Super Simple & Not Expensive!  I bought a plain grapevine wreath at the craft store and chose this rust colored owl as the focal point of my wreath.  I wired the owl onto the wreath and then added a few other items from the craft store sale bins, wiring them around the wreath using floral wiring.  I included a couple of  pine cones from my yard and it was done!  I love all the Fall color this wreath gives my door. 

So what are you having for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow; Owl or Turkey??  Leave us a comment!  Inquiring canine minds want to know.



LA Paylor said...

Cole is having fish since he's allergic to turkey, wah.

Unknown said...

We lobe turkey!

Sheltie Times said...

Make what you want to look at for the season.

Ruby said...

Oh, I loves that wreath!!! Ma got one of those grapevine wreaths at Trader Joe's for 3 bucks! She hasn't decorated it yet, butts she couldn't pass up that price! She LOVES yours!
Nows, I hear Ma is cookin' the turkey tomorrows...I don't knows whether to be happy, or to get out the pepto....☺
Ruby ♥

Two French Bulldogs said...

Love the owl and the wreath. So cute and different
Lily & Edward

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Love the wreath! Hailey would pick whatever she could catch!

Unknown said...

I like your wreath. Turkey all the way for us!!

zoepheedogs said...

Your wreaths are so cool! Happy Thanksgiving!

Dachshund Nola said...

That's so cute!

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful wreath, you very creative. Have a Happy Thanksgiving. No extras for Isis we don't want tummy issues again. Give Phoebe and Isis a #PAWSUP from Mary d Dog

Unknown said...

Oh I love it!!!
Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

Shadow said...

It's all chicken to me. MOL

Unknown said...

That's gorgeous! I've never seen a wreath with an owl before and it goes together so well. I would buy one of these if you were selling them! That owl is a "looker" too, lol! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

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