

Therapy Dog Stress Buster

It's that time of year again.  I don't just mean the holidays, I mean FINALS!  At colleges across the U.S. college students are busting their humps on final assignments and hitting the books in preparation for final exams. 

Therapy Dogs participate in Stress Buster event at a local college
Getting some love at yesterday's Stress Buster event in the student lounge
Yesterday Icy and I participated in a STRESS BUSTER event at a local University. 

Dogs trained to be Therapy Dogs at a college Stress Buster event.
Icy with some of the other Therapy dogs in the college's Student Lounge
A lot hinges on finals and sometimes students can become unhinged from all that stress - Therapy Dogs to the rescue!  At this time of year Therapy Dogs participate in Stress Buster events at colleges, to give students a break from their studies and reduce stress with licks and wags!

Therapy Dog visit to a local college Stress Buster event
I'm not sure who enjoys these visits more, the students or the Therapy Dogs!
My therapy dog Icy and I visit a local college to help students relieve the stress of mid terms and finals
Someone's about to get kissed!

My therapy dog Icy loves visiting the local colleges to help students relieve the stress of mid-terms and final exams
Icy takes a rest after a Therapy Dog's job well done!

If you enjoyed this post, you may also like my post on Why Children Should Read To Therapy Dogs to improve their reading skills.

Leave us a comment and share your thoughts on Stress Buster events for students!


Unknown said...

Such relaxed doggies!

Carma Poodale said...

We got to participate in some therapy work for finals last week. We took the guinea pigs, scooby and me and let all the students come to pet us. We spread smiles all over the room.

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

What a super fun event!

Unknown said...

That's totally a win-win situation there, lol! :)

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Yes, and after their visit, relaxed students too! Thanks for stopping by Earl & Ethel!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

How wonderful! I'm sure the students just loved you. Thanks for stopping by today!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

It's definitely one of the more fun Therapy Dog assignments. Thanks for stopping by today!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

It sure is! Thanks for visiting us today.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

It sure is! Thanks for visiting us today.

JoAnn Stancer said...

I think it is great that they allow the therapy dogs in during finals, I will have to look that up. I lost my therapy dog place to go on Fridays so I'm missing it with my gang.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

So sorry you lost your Friday therapy dog place! I'm sure you'll be able to find plenty more, so many places are welcoming therapy dogs now. Thanks for stopping by JoAnn!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I think so too! It's such a fun event, the students just love the dogs.

Ryan J said...

I wish my college had participates in that when I was in school! What an excellent idea!

Lapdog Creations said...

What a fun thing to do! I'm hoping to do some minor therapy type things like this with Penny.

M. K. Clinton said...

What a great idea! It looks like it worked too! ♥

Pamela said...

Y'know, I bet I would have gotten much better grades in college if I had been able to pet a therapy dog. :)

Carleenp said...

Neat! I love therapy dogs!

Kristen–well minded said...

This is so wonderful! I've never heard about this type of therapy. I bet my step-son could have used a good cuddle last week when he was taking his first-semester freshman finals!

zoepheedogs said...

Oh wow! That is so neat that you are able to take Isis and help the college kids! She looks like she's having fun!

Unknown said...

That's such an awesome idea. I would have loved that when I was in college. I missed my dog soooo much when I was away at school!

Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

theOKdogblog said...

I need sme therapy! When ya coming to visit!??

theOKdogblog said...

I need sme therapy! When ya coming to visit!??

Unknown said...

This is so awesome!! I get stress relief with Bean all the time.

Tenacious Little Terrier said...

Oh cool! We haven't gone to any schools with Mr. N yet.

Beth said...

What an awesome idea! I wish my college had visiting therapy dogs when I was in school! Looks like Isis really enjoys her work!

Unknown said...

nice blog
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Lindsay Pevny said...

Aww, sweet, you must have been a huge help! I remember taking my finals after my dog passed away, when I was between dogs - it was tough to not have a fuzzy friend to take study breaks with!

Robin said...

What a great idea! I would have loved this in college. It looks like everyone had a great time. This was very sweet of you to do.
-Purrs from you friends at

Unknown said...

Therapy dogs are really important for many communities. I've seen the dogs that children read to - it's a very cool program here in Portland.

Anonymous said...

That looked like a real fun event. Icy is so friendly and I bet she enjoyed all the attention

Pawesome Cats said...

This is such a great initiative!

Groovy Goldendoodles said...

We did that last year and Harley really enjoyed all the love and attention. Merry Christmas my friend!

MattieDog said...

So great that you were able to provide a calming session for some much needed relief! Looks like a lot of fun!

brokenteepee said...

I'll bet you made those students feel much better. You are very cute

Ourfamilyworld said...

This is awesome. I am sure these students feel better and will perform better.

Unknown said...

the students and dogs look so relaxed! Great energy from everyone!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Such a wonderful idea for students. As a former college professor, I needed a therapy dog, too.

Rosa Doodle said...

This is such a great idea. I never really thought about therapy dogs for finals week. What a great idea!

Sadie said...

Great idea! I know when I'm pulling my hair out over a project, even five minutes with the furries calms me down.

A Husky Life said...

What a cool event! I wish they had something like that when I was a student, I know how much it helps!

dogandhisboy said...

Win-win! God for the humans and good for the dogs!

Talent Hounds said...

I love these programs. I saw in the research for my documentary series that Dogs really have healing powers. They definitely can help reduce stress, increase focus and improve mood for many people. Finals can be so stressful so I'm sure your visits really help. They look like a lot of fun too.

Wallas E Katt said...

Such an excellent concept, well delivered!!
Annette @PetsAreFound

FidoseofReality said...

WOW what a fantastic idea - I know I told you on FB, but I love the idea of a therapy dog at a college - what a stress buster for sure.

maryehaight said...

I love this idea and I bet the students do too! I never lived on campus, but imagined it to be far more stressful than getting away at the end of the day. I do remember well the stress of finals, lol! A happy dog smile would have gone a long way to calming my nerves...

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Unknown said...

Icy you would make anyone happy just being able to pet you and see your smiling face :) I think we need more therapy dogs in schools and offices!

M Dawson said...

Our buddy Summer the Somali is a therapy CAT and she sometimes visits students at UCLA (I think it is...) so I know the positive impact a therapy animal can have.

Thank you Icy and Mom for minimising the stress levels of so many hard working students. These young people work so hard that it isa pleasure to see the smiles.

The Dash Kitten Crew

Unknown said...

Dogs are amazing and great therapy for anyone really! I am not shocked to see them providing therapy in this way at all! My daughter has a therapy dog but of course he is also a family member to us. Pets as a whole are so therapeutic! I am sure this was a very welcomed break for these students!

Kitty Cat Chronicles said...

This is such a great idea. I remember my college having a similar event when I was in school. I think I remember a bunch of puppies in the quad one afternoon. Glad that Icy was able to participate and ease some of the stress for the college students! Looks like fun for all.

Unknown said...

I never heard of this before! I would be selecting a college based off which ones had these programs. This is so awesome!

Tenacious Little Terrier said...

I never went to one when we had therapy dogs visit campus. Wish I had now!

Unknown said...

There are more and more uses everyday for therapy dogs. They are definitely man's best friend! Sandra and Dolly

Scruffy Little Terrier said...

This is such a great idea, I wish we had therapy dogs when I was taking exams. I used to get so nervous, I actually sat in an exam and forgot my name! A therapy dog would have definitely calmed me down.

LaylasWoof said...

What a great event and I firmly believe that dogs help us when it comes to stress

Sweet Purrfections said...

What a great idea to have dogs come to the universities to help relieve some stress from final exams!

Impurrfectlife said...

Oh this is sweet. I remember those college days being stressed about finals and papers. This is a great idea to help students relieve some of that pressure. A great morale booster too.

Unknown said...

Dogs are great at easing stressful college moments. This is such a great idea!

Unknown said...

We took part in a very similar thing at a uk college. The students were so stressed out and the dogs made all the difference to their sanity levels. Well done for doing this. I know it makes a difference

Bree said...

This is a great idea! I wish they did this at my school. I'm actually studying for finals right now and I can say it is definitely stressful! But this would be a great stress reliever after an exam.

Sandy Kubillus said...

The community college where I teach has therapy dogs during finals. I always like to stop by and see them. Maybe some day I'll be able to do that with one of my dogs.

Baymonkey said...

Icy is such a cutie! Warms my heart to see therapy dogs at work spreading joy amidst humans:-)

Unknown said...

I love this! Icy looks like she had just as much fun as the students. Animals are truly a gift and have a beautiful way of making us feel better. Bravo!

Beth said...

That is so awesome! I'll have to ask my son if they have therapy dogs that come to visit his college. I am sure he would love it.

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