

Weekend Holiday Celebrations

Tis the Season to attend holiday parties and events!  My dogs do not like to be left out so we've been partaking in some fun dog friendly festivities.  Here are highlights from two events we attended in our town. 

The day started off rainy and ugly and we wondered if it would cancel out the evening festivities, but the party was ON!  Due to the rain we left our Husky, Icy at home.  She's afraid of thunder and we worried it might freak her out.
One of the owners of FETCH with an adorable Chihuahua.  Don't you just love the hat?!
The evening started off with a fun party at FETCH, the new luxury dog store that opened up in town recently.  The store was beautifully decorated for the holidays with lots of sparkle.  It was fun mingling with other dog lovers and their adorable dogs, sipping wine and noshing on some great food!

We had just arrived at the party, when I looked down and saw that Phoebe had found herself a cozy spot, inside one of the hand painted wooden dog house beds they have for sale!  She's smart, getting out of the way so as not to be stepped on.  I guess I have to add one of these dog house beds to Phoebe's Christmas list, huh?

The other event in town that night was a parade on Main Street, sponsored by local Fire Departments.  Main street was shut down and crowds gathered along the street to see the beautiful lighted parade floats.  The photos are kind of dark since it was at night.

Phoebe and I jockey for a good position along the parade route.  She's such a trouper, the cold wet weather and crowds didn't even phase her!

It was really nice to see so many people in town come out for the parade, even though it rained much of the evening.

This really cool vintage fire truck was parked on the street during the parade.  I had to stop for a photo op with Phoebe!

What fun holiday activities have you & your pets been going to lately?  Leave us a comment and share!!


Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh boy we are jealous! What a fun party
Happy Holidays
Lily & Edward

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

So much fun! We haven't done anything really holiday like yet. Well, not since our Hanukkah party on the 6th. The party restarts on the 24th!

Fetch Shops said...

We so enjoyed having you attend our holiday party in Huntington Village!
Thank you for the great photos!
Love, Fetch

Anonymous said...

Wow that looked like a lot of fun. Wish we had something like that here. You would think with the weather we have here in Florida there would be more events like yours.

M. K. Clinton said...

What fun Christmas events! I love the house that Phoebe is adding to her list. Ho Ho Ho! I hope y'all have a fantastic Christmas! ♥ ♥

Robin said...

It sounds like it was a fun weekend! That Chihuahua with the hat was really cute. It is a great thing when everyone can get out and enjoy the holiday spirit together.
-Purrs from your friends at

Unknown said...

WOW! Looks like loads of fun!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

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