


Thinking about installing a dog door?  It would be great to join your friends for dinner after work, if only you didn’t have to run home to feed and walk the dog.  Your dog would love to get some afternoon sun in the yard and a potty break whenever nature calls.  

A dog door sounds like the perfect solution, right? But are dog doors dangerous? Although a dog door can provide an enticing level of freedom and convenience for you and your dog, there are some potential dangers associated with them.


Are dog doors safe, Dog dogs, Child safety, Dog safety, Pet safety, Are pet doors safe? Dangers of pet doors, Doors for big dogs, Doors for small dogs, Dog Doors that open with collar
Why can't we just let ourselves out?

Before installing a dog door in your home, be aware of these 4 potential dangers:

Invaders of the furry kind

With most dog doors, there’s nothing to prevent other animals from discovering this magical portal to your castle and entering at will.  The neighbor’s cat may slink in to sleep on your furniture, or the local raccoon might decide the fruit bowl on your kitchen table is irresistible!   In Florida, alligators have even crawled through dog doors!  Personally, I can deal with a cat or a raccoon but an alligator?? No way! 

The risks of dog doors in your home, Are dog doors safe, Dog dogs, Child safety, Dog safety, Pet safety, Are pet doors safe? Dangers of pet doors, Doors for big dogs, Doors for small dogs
It would be great if your dog could let herself outside with a dog door, but is it safe?

Invaders of the human kind

The real danger isn’t wildlife or the neighbor’s pet crashing your pad, it’s the human variety that is the most dangerous.  According to FBI crime reports a robbery takes place approximately every 15 seconds!

Think your dog door is safe from intruders because it’s small-dog size?  Not so.  Your dog door doesn’t need to be Mastiff- size in order for an intruder to gain access.   My neighbor, an elderly woman named Connie, was robbed few years ago.   She had a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, a dog that weighs about 15 lbs.  Apparently, one of the thieves brought a child along on the heist to gain initial entry to the house.  The kid slipped  through  the dog door and unlocked the main door for the real perps to get inside!

Dog doors, Pet doors, Are dog doors safe? Child safety and dog doors,The dangers of installing a dog door
Is it safe for us to be free to roam the yard while you're at work?

There are electronic dog doors that open with a collar. They open, close and lock automatically via a battery operated device on your dog’s collar.  Sounds great, but if a dog is anything like mine, as soon as anyone approached the back door they’d be right there barking.  They’d be inadvertently opening the dog door for the intruders with their electronic collars!

Danger Beyond The Dog Door

Another consideration is that if your dog has entry to your yard on his own, is the yard itself secure?  Could your dog jump the fence if sufficiently motivated?  Could someone from the outside jump the fence and steal your precious pooch right out of your yard?  Although we had a 6 foot concrete wall around our house, common in the Phoenix area, we never left our dogs in the yard unattended.

4 dangers of dog doors in your home, Are dog doors safe, Dog doors, Child safety and dog doors, Dog safety, Pet safety, Are pet doors safe? Dangers of pet doors, Doors for big dogs, Doors for small dogs, Dog Doors that open with collar, Are dog doors safe for children
I would love to lounge in the yard all day but not if it isn't safe!

A Danger To Small Children In The Home

The last potential danger is the scariest of them all.  Small children have been known to crawl through dog doors and get injured, wander off, or worse.  In 2008 a 3 year old boy crawled out of a pet door and fell into his family's backyard swimming poor in Ahwatukee, Arizona.  Tragically, he did not survive. 

Advocates in Florida reported that “ In the last decade there have been at least 100 incidents of small children squeezing through a pet door and incurring an injury.  50% of those occurrences ended in fatalities”  They also stated that “A 38 lb baby can easily crawl through an 8 x 11 opening”   See KATVs report on dog door safety and potential dangers to children, pets, and your personal property.

Dog doors for big dogs as well as dog doors for small dogs can pose a danger to children. 100 incidences over the course of a decade may sound small, but where child safety is concerned even one incident is too many! 

These are all important things to consider if you’re thinking about installing a dog door.  Convenience is great, but safety comes first.  I’m not a fan of dog doors, and we don’t have one for our two dogs, Icy and Phoebe.  The important thing is to do your research and be aware of the potential risks of dog doors and decide whether or not a dog door is right for you.

What are your thoughts, were you aware of all these potential dog door risks? Leave us a comment, we always love to hear from you!

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