

RoundUp: Favorite Blog Posts of 2015

HAPPY NEW YEAR!  Can you believe we've said goodbye to 2015 already?  It feels like I had barely said hello to 2015, but here I am ushering in 2016!  This eventful year has really flown by.

As I reflect on the past year and scroll through the blog posts I published in 2015, I feel a sense of accomplishment.  Most of my posts were joyful to write.  Some were more difficult, I felt like I was taking a risk by baring my soul, exercising my "digital bravery".   As I close out for the year, I'd like to share a few of my posts that are my personal favorites from 2015, in case you missed them during the course of the year.  I hope you enjoy them!

> As many of you know, my Siberian Husky Icy and I are a Therapy Dog team.  One of my favorite Therapy Dog activities is the children's reading program where Kids reading to Therapy Dogs helps improve reading skills.  It's such a fun program, I love to see the children's faces light up when they see the dogs at the library.  It's so rewarding to see their reading skills improve week after week!  Although it was brief, this was one of my favorite posts to write this year.

> We love to travel with our dogs, Icy and Phoebe!  One of our favorite places to visit with the dogs is Sedona, the stunning Red Rock region in Northern Arizona in 100 Places to See With Your Dog; Sedona in the Fall.  I really enjoy sharing the great dog friendly places we've found with other pet parents.  You can read about other places we've traveled with our dogs by clicking on the Pet Travel tab from the Home page. 

> Fostering Saves Lives.  It's that simple.  I love to foster shelter dogs in my home, it's a lot of fun for me and my dogs to have a new little visitor come and stay with us for a few weeks.  Even if you can't foster a dog for weeks you can be a Day Foster, fostering dogs for just one day.  It may not sound like much, but this post talks about how even one day away from the shelter can have significant positive impacts for a shelter dog!  This is an easy way to make a real difference for a shelter dog, it's something I'm very passionate about.

> This next post is one of those posts where I had to exercise some of that "digital bravery" I mentioned.  The world of animal welfare is an ugly truth, it's not always cut and dry and it's rarely as simple as people think.  I didn't know how people would react to the directness of my post or the analogy I used when discussing what I believe to be the only way to truly solve the problem of pet homelessness.

> One of the highlights of the year was attending BlogPaws2015 in Nashville in May.  This post contains highlights from that fabulous conference!  I'm so glad I went, it was the best experience and definitely the pet lovers event of the year! 

I hope you enjoyed my 2015 Roundup.  Thank you fellow pet lovers for visiting us on the blog and for being such great friends.  I wish you all the best in the new year!

Love & Biscuits,
Cathy, Icy, & Phoebe


Unknown said...

I love them all!

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Thanks for reminding us of those excellent posts.

M. K. Clinton said...

I always enjoy all of your posts and I cannot wait to see you in Phoenix!!!!! Happy New Year ♥

Unknown said...

Really good posts!! Hope you are having a nice night!!

Unknown said...

I'm really enjoying all of my favorite blogs year end round ups. I came in a bit late in the year so I even went back and read your posts. BTW I love the babies and the river analogy. Hopefully I'll get to meet you this year in Phoenix!

Unknown said...

What a great round up!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Aww, thanks so much! That really means a lot to me.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

You're so sweet, thank you!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thanks so much my friend, I really appreciate that! I can't wait to see you at BlogPaws2016 as well, we sure had fun in Nashville didn't we!?

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thanks Julie!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I love the round ups too, it's nice to be reminded of posts I enjoyed all year long on my favorite blogs! Thank you for reading my posts, I really appreciate it & I'm glad you liked that analogy, I think it's a good one. See you at BlogPaws2016!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thanks so much Jenna! I really appreciate the kind words.

Lapdog Creations said...

What a great round up form 2015!

Kia said...

The year really did fly by & I'm sure this one will as well. Awesome posts from 2015!

The Chesnut Mutts said...

Awesome! Can't wait to see you again in Arizona! :)

Unknown said...

Great - I love the idea of one day fosters and wish our shelter would allow that. Those dogs need to get out!

AnnStaub said...

I always like looking back and remembering some of the old blog posts I wrote too. I bet that the 100 places post took some work to put together!

Carleenp said...

Nice selection of posts. Thanks for the good reads!

Deb Barnes said...

Great posts! Inspirational - thank you for sharing! Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey kitties

Heather L. said...

It's been a great year! Cheers to a wonderful 2016!

Golden Daily Scoop said...

What a great selection of posts! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

I'll see you in June for my first Blog Paws events! So glad you included that as a highlight for 2015!

Talent Hounds said...

Those are all amazing posts. I love the Reading to Dogs programs and the foster and rescue posts. Was fun meeting you at BlogPaws- see you in May!

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