

Therapy Dogs Helping Kids

My favorite Therapy Dog days are the ones where I get to read with the kiddo's!

Therapy Dogs help children improve reading skills!

I love meeting all the little kiddo's that come to the library. Mama says I'm helping them be better readers!

Therapy Dogs help kids be better readers!

This sweet little girls' voice is so soothing..... I think I'll close my eyes, just for a moment.

Therapy Dog helping kids with their reading

SNOOZE,  SNOOZE, ZZzzzzz......

If you want to learn more about it, read my post on Why Children Should Read To Therapy Dogs to improve their reading skills. 



Pawesome Cats said...

Pets helping kids improve their reading skills is a great initiative. I was a huge 'bookworm' as a kid, usually with my St Bernard at my side.

Tenacious Little Terrier said...

That bedtime story certainly worked on you!

Anonymous said...

Pets can help kids with there confidence. Dog don't judge the are just their sweet selves. Love therapy dogs. So much good they can do.

Talent Hounds said...

We love therapy dogs like you and the Reading Programs are fantastic! Thanks for sharing

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

You have a pawsome job!

Dachshund Nola said...

What a great job!

MattieDog said...

We love this - we read to kiddies too and it is so rewarding!

M. K. Clinton said...

That is so sweet that you can take Icy to help those children. I know they love her.

LaylasWoof said...

This is awesome, when I pick up one of my pupils from school I take Layla with me and the kids are in their element always asking if they can pet her, she loves it of course :)

Unknown said...

You are so wonderful! And I love how politely you are laying there with your paws crossed! :)

The Swiss Cats said...

You look so sweet listening to those pupils. It looks like the little girl reached the grade of "bedtime story master" for you ;) Purrs

Deb Barnes said...

What a sweet way to help kids with reading! Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey kitties

Golden Daily Scoop said...

I love seeing the smiles on kids when pets are around. Great post!!!

Fur Everywhere said...

Isn't it fun to be read to? Carmine loves to be read to and so did Jewel. :) I bet it really makes the kids happy to read to you, too.

Kristen–well minded said...

This is wonderful. A therapy dog comes to our local library every Wednesday afternoon, and I often take my kiddos. They LOVE reading to Zack, and Zacks mama helps out with tough words, so I just get to watch and enjoy. I think it's really motivating for kids. A friend of ours goes for the opposite reason...she has a fear of dogs. Spending time with Zack reading in the library has really helped her. Great post!

Robin said...

You are so cute! I'm glad that you are in there helping those kids with their reading. You are probably the highlight of the day. :)
-Purrs from your friends at

Mary @ StaleCheerios said...

That is so cool that you are helping kids learn to read! Great work! And great photos, too. :)

Unknown said...

These therapy reading programs are so important! Loved looking at the photos. Thanks for sharing this experience.

Heather L. said...

I wish Chuleta was capable of being a therapy dog, but she is too... shall we say, feisty? These programs benefit the children and the animals. So awesome!

Unknown said...

Such a great post, Therapy dogs are so wonderful thank you for everything you do.

maryehaight said...

Helping kids read is a wonderful task for therapy dogs, such a comfort for the shy and reading challenged =) Great work!

Kia said...

Aw how sweet! Love it :)

Unknown said...

Aw wow, that is so awesome!

Sweet Purrfections said...

What a nice thing for you to do to help children read.

Sadie said...

I think this is such an amazing program!

Beth said...

What a wonderful program! I bet these lucky kids will have fond memories of reading to therapy dogs for the rest of their lives.

theOKdogblog said...

Go you! How awesome. I bet you've heard some great books!

theOKdogblog said...

Go you! How awesome. I bet you've heard some great books!

Wallas E Katt said...

Reading programs for kids are a great idea. Well done.

Unknown said...

Amazing work you do! I bet these kids love having you there!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I think it's a great initiative too! How sweet that you had your fur-bestie by your side (-: Thanks for stopping by!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Yeah, works every time! Thanks for stopping by Mr. N

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Exactly Suzanne, that's what the whole program is about. Reading in a safe, non judgmental environment. Thanks for stopping by!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Oh, thanks you're so sweet! We love the reading programs, it's fun for the kids & the dogs and it's very effective.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

She sure does, thanks for stopping by!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

It's a lot of fun for the kids and the dogs! Thanks for visiting us on the blog!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

You are so sweet Mattie! Isn't it wonderful? We love it. Thanks for stopping by!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

We really enjoy it. The kids Love her, she's always the favorite! Thanks for stopping by M.K.!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I can just imagine how much they adore Layla, she's so adorable! Thanks for stopping by Ruth!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Aww, thanks Spencer! Yes, I am very ladylike with my little paws crossed. I love all the kiddies! Thanks for visiting us!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thank you! Yes, I do tend to doze off when the kiddies read to me, it's so relaxing. Thanks for stopping by!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

It's such an enjoyable activity for the kids and the dogs - and the parents! They love it too, and they all snap lots of photos w/ the cell phones LOL! Thanks for visiting us on the blog Deb!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed the post! I know, they get so excited and happy to see the pets. It's so wonderful.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I love when the kiddies read to me, I especially love when they pet me as they're reading - it's heaven!

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