

Clean Dogs' Ears Naturally With BVH Pet Care Dog Ear Cleaner

Your dog isn't truly clean unless you've cleaned her ears too!  I must confess, I never cleaned my dogs' ears myself until I found BVH Pet Care's all natural PREMIUM DOG EAR CLEANER.  I always left ear cleaning to the groomer. 

Keeping dogs' ears clean can help avoid ear infections
BVH Pet Care's Premium Dog Ear Cleaner is gentle, all natural, and easy to use

I've learned that cleaning a dog's ears at least once a month can help prevent ear infections and other ear problems.  Since I don't go to the groomer's every month, I need to take it upon myself to keep my dogs' ears clean!

Cleaning your dog's ears can help prevent ear infections
Keep your dog's ears clean to prevent infection and discomfort

Unlike many dog ear cleaners, BVH Pet Care Premium Dog Ear Cleaner is an all natural, chemical free product that gently cleans your dog's ears.  It's important to me that their Premium Dog Ear Cleaner:

>  Doesn't contain alcohol or antibiotics that can burn or irritate dogs' sensitive ears.
>  Contains No tea tree oil, sulfate, phosphate or parabens (compounds used as preservatives).

>  Soothes to provide immediate relief of itching and scratching.

>  Stops ear odor by removing dirt, ear wax and debris.

>  Is made in the USA, & formulated in a certified laboratory.

>  Is Cruelty free.  No animal testing is done.

Why is it so important to keep your dog's ears clean? 

Bacteria, yeast, ear mites, debris, and waxy buildup inside your dog's ear can cause a lot of discomfort for your dog.  It can even end up causing ear infections or other ear issues! 

The everyday activities your dog loves can cause build up of dirt, wax, and possibly bacteria or yeast in her ears: 

Swimming in lakes, rivers, pools, or the ocean can cause bacteria or yeast to form in your dog's wet ears.

While walking through dense grass or brush your dog can pick up spores, mold, mites, bugs and debris in her ears.

Keeping your dog's ears clean can reduce the chance of ear infection, and reduce the buildup of wax and dirt that can cause discomfort. 

Ingredients in BVH Pet Care's Premium Dog Ear Cleaner:

* Purified Water based formula
* Coconut extracts
* Palm extracts
* Citrus extracts
* Vegetable-based ingredients to condition and moisturize skin

How To Clean A Dog's Ears

I thought it would be hard to clean my dogs' ears and I was sure they'd hate it but I couldn't be more wrong!  It was easy to do myself in about 10 minutes, and Phoebe and Icy didn't mind at all!  It only takes a few minutes to clean your dog's ears! 

Cleaning Phoebe's ears with BVH Premium Dog Ear Cleaner was as easy as:

1.  After Shaking the bottle well, I applied the ear cleaner into Phoebe's ear canal.
Cleaning my dog's ears myself was Easy Peasy!

2. Then I gently massaged the base of her ear.  Afterwards, I let her shake her head to dislodge any wax build-up.
Just a few easy steps is all it takes to clean your dog's ears

3. I moistened a cotton ball with more of the ear cleaner and wiped the inside of her ear flapYuk!  Look at all that dirt.

BVH Pet Care's Premium Dog Ear Cleaner is made w/ all natural ingredients


BVH Pet Care all natural Premium Dog Ear Cleaner
Thanks for cleaning all the gunk out of my little ears Mama!

Cleaning my dog's ears naturally, with no harsh chemicals is what I expect from a dog ear cleaner. 
I also expect to bathe my dogs with an all natural chemical free dog shampoo like BVH Pet Care's Premium Dog Shampoo and Conditioner too, both available on  Products that are free of harsh chemicals is important for my dogs' well being!

BVH Pet Care Premium Dog Ear Cleaner is appropriate for all dog breeds over 12 weeks old.

This post is sponsored by BVH Pet Care. I am being compensated to help spread the word about their Premium Dog Ear Cleaner, but Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. 

Do you think it's important to keep your dog's ears clean?  Do you clean your dog's ears yourself, or do you leave it to the Groomer?  Leave us a comment!  We always love to hear your thoughts!


Tenacious Little Terrier said...

I clean Mr. N's ears every few weeks. He hasn't had an infection yet but he has floppy ears so I try to err on the preventative side.

Unknown said...

So important to keep our sweeties clean. Maybe that is why Cocoa does not listen so good, she needs her ears cleaned more often!!

Dachshund Nola said...

Sounds like a great product! Nola had terrible, chronic ear infections before her food allergies were straightened out, but ever since that happened she's never gotten gunky ears. Her vet always comments on how clean they are, and I almost never clean them.

Pawesome Cats said...

Ear problems are surprisingly common, this seems like a good product to use. Love the photos of the dogs!

LaylasWoof said...

So important and my Ms Allergy is amongst everything allergic to tea tree oil so have to always search for products without it, am going read more about these, thanks

M. K. Clinton said...

Great review and I love your photos! Ear infections are so painful and prevention really is the key. Thanks for sharing BVH ♥

Unknown said...

Amazing what came out of your little cutie's ears. Glad you found a product that works and is natural.

Unknown said...

Well done Phoebe for being so good while having your ears cleaned!

MattieDog said...

Sounds like a good product, we'll check out BVH, thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

good job pups getting your ears cleaned and being to sweet about it!

Unknown said...

This looks like a fine product for optimum cleanliness!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

That is very smart! Good for you & Mr. N!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

LOL! its possible Cocoa could need her ears cleaned, but then again she could just be ignoring you!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Poor Nola! I'm so glad you were able to make the connection between allergies & her ear problems. I hadn't thought of allergies being a factor in ear problems, thanks so much for sharing that, I bet it will help a lot of people reading this! Yes, BVH Pet Care's ear cleaner really is a great product, its all natural & very gentle.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thanks, glad you like the photos! Both their shampoo & ear cleaner are all natural with no harsh chemicals, which I really love.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I think BVH Pet Care's shampoo & ear cleaner would be great for dogs with allergies! If you give it a try, let me know how she does with these products!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thanks so much M.K., I'm glad you like the review & photos! Yes, prevention is definitely the key, ear infections are miserable!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I know! I can't believe all that dirt, the photo didn't even show all of it. I'm glad I found a good all natural, gentle product too!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

She was so good, it didn't bother the dogs at all!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I am really pleased with BVH Pet Care products. Their ear cleaner & shampoo/conditioner products are all natural & gentle with no harsh chemicals!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Aww, thanks! I was pleased my dogs didn't mind getting their ears cleaned at all.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Yes it is, thanks! I like that their products are all natural without any harsh chemicals to burn or irritate my fur-babies!

Rosa Doodle said...

Oh Rosa get infections way too often. She knows the minute I go for the ear drops, it's like a second sense with her... she takes off to the other room as fast as she can! I really like the idea of this product and will certainly give it a try. Thanks for sharing!

Beth said...

I don't clean my dog's ears regularly and they don't seem prone to infections, but maybe I should just to keep that way. I love that this brand is cruelty-free and I will definitely look for their other products as well.

Unknown said...

Sherm has terrible ear allergies so I love learning about new earl cleaning products!

Robin said...

This sounds like a terrific ear cleaner! I wonder if they make one for cats. My Cinco gets waxy ears from time to time. It is nice to see an all natural product! :)
-Purrs from your friends at

Kitty Cat Chronicles said...

Love that this stuff is all natural and doesn't contain any harsh chemicals. We have to clean the cats' ears too - will look into this to see if they make a cleaner for cats.

Sadie said...

That is some serious patience! We went through a time when Henry's ears were itchy and sore. It's important to know how to clean their ears properly. Great post!

Unknown said...

This sounds like a wonderful product! I had my first ear infection a couple of months ago and it was no fun! :(

Sweet Purrfections said...

I guess I've never thought about needing to clean a dog's ears.

Kia said...

Great review. Simba gets his ears cleaned every time he gets washed/groomed. I def think it's important

maryehaight said...

Yes, it is so important to clean your dogs ears! They can go deaf from infections. This sounds like an excellent product, thanks for the review and I will be looking into this for Tashi.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Poor Rosa! Give this a try, it's gentle & all natural so it won't burn or sting her little ears. It could be why she's running away; your current drops may contain alcohol or antibiotics, which can make it burn/sting.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Good thing your dog doesn't get infections! It's a good preventative, it's a gentle cleanser meant to cleanse, not treat infection. Their shampoo is cruelty free & all natural as well, it's a great product too.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Aww, poor Sherm! BVH Pet Care is all natural and gentle, which I really like. Keeping Sherm's ears clean will probably help his allergies. This is a great, gentle cleanser to try.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I'm not sure if they make one for cats and the bottle doesn't say whether or not you could use on cats but I will find out. You can also check out their web site

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I love that about their products too! I also love that they are cruelty free. Also, they are eco-friendly, biodegradable & the bottles are recyclable!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Glad you liked the post Sadie, Thanks! It's so gentle, Phoebe didn't even budge using it during our photo session. Keeping ears clean is very important & a good way to prevent ear problems.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Oh no! Ear infections are definitely NOT fun at all. Keep those adorable ears clean to prevent future infections!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

It's important to keep their ears clean, especially if they're outside a lot. I was shocked to see how dirty little Phoebe's ears were!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thanks, I'm glad you liked the review! It is very important to keep their ears clean.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Ear infections can be awful; painful and miserable, and yes they could lead to deafness in a worst case scenario. Very important to keep ears clean.

Amanda Yantos said...

Khloee definitely needs her ears cleaned on a regular basis. She has them done at the groomer but we also have a solution for doing it at home. I'm glad to hear about this good product.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Sorry to respond so late to your comment Amanda! I just started cleaning my dogs ears in between visits to the groomer. I can't believe how filthy their ears get, LOL!

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