

Desert Hikes With My Husky

Just sharing a short, fun video of my Siberian Husky, Icy, doing what she loves most.  Hiking and jumping up on big boulders!

Does your dog like to jump on rocks?  Leave us a comment, we love hearing from you!

Watch Icy do some cute, show stopping tricks like Where's My Dog? and Play Dead

Connect with me on You Tube!



Anonymous said...

Icy looks like the type that would climb any rock no matter the size. Cute video.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Surveying her domain!! What a cutie!!

Kari Neumeyer said...

Sweet girl. We used to get our Isis to jump up on the retaining wall. She could jump 5 feet from a standstill. But Leo's not sure how to use his back legs. And Mia's got some arthritis.

Unknown said...

Such fun!

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Hailey likes to climb to see better.

Unknown said...

Looks like a great place! :)

Unknown said...

Icy totally owns that rock! Haley loves doing that too and we call it doggie parkour, haha! You have a much better hiking and parkour environment where you are though. :)

Two French Bulldogs said...

We aren't that tall so we don't jump on rocks, it's fun walking slowly on them
Lily & Edward

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We have never been lucky enough to go for a hike where there are nice big rocks like those, but we know we would love to hike and run with you!!!

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

M. K. Clinton said...

Oh how fun! The boys have never come upon any giant rocks before. Pierre would climb them!

Ruby said...

Oh, that was a FABulous jump! Um, likes jumpin' on thingies around here, butts unless I'm chasin' a critter, I likes to keeps my snooter to the ground...BOL!!!
Ruby ♥

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