

Extended Flea & Tick Protection In A Tasty Chew #12Bravecto

We love the great outdoors, and so do our dogs!  We like nothing better than taking our dogs on outdoor adventures like hiking, camping, or going to the beach.  They love to run through bushes, swim in lakes & ponds, hunt for critters in tall grass, and roll around in wet sand by the ocean.

Now there's an easier way to protect your dog from fleas and ticks
Icy loves to lay in tall grasses but she's not alone in the grass, pesky fleas and ticks also love tall grass!

With all that time outdoors comes the threat of fleas and ticks, they’re unavoidable!  Whether your dogs have outdoor adventures far from home or right in your own backyard, flea prevention and tick control is important for their health and safety! 

This post is sponsored by BRAVECTO® and the BlogPaws® Pet Influencer Network™. I am being compensated to help share information about BRAVECTO.  But we only share information we feel is relevant to our readers. Neither Intervet Inc., nor Merck & Co Inc., are responsible for the content of this article and have not written, reviewed, or edited it in any fashion.  

It's important to make sure our dogs are protected from fleas and ticks year round.  Using a messy, oily topical treatment every month isn't very convenient.  It's no fun having to make the dog sit still while you clumsily apply it without getting it all over your hands, either!  There's got to be a better way to protect our dogs from fleas and ticks, right?  There is!


BRAVECTO is a tasty chew that provides up to 12 weeks of protection against fleas and ticks* 

BRAVECTO starts killing fleas within 2 hours and kills 100% of fleas in 12 hours!

BRAVECTO is FDA approved and is only available from your Veterinarian or Veterinary Clinic

BRAVECTO is easy and convenient to use.  Just 1 tasty chew provides up to 12 weeks of flea and tick protection*  That's nearly 3 times longer than monthly treatments!

There are a lot of flea and tick control products out there, but only BRAVECTO provides a tasty oral chew that lasts for up to 12 weeks!*  

* BRAVECTO  kills fleas, prevents flea infestations, and kills ticks (black-legged tick or "deer tick", American dog tick and brown dog tick) for 12 weeks.  It also kills lone star ticks for 8 weeks.

BRAVECTO  is only available by prescription.  Visit your Veterinarian so you can start extended flea and tick protection for your dog right away!

Extended Flea & Tick Protection for dogs in a tasty chew?  Yes, Please!
Icy loves to hike, and swim in the creek in Sedona, AZ.  So do pesky fleas & ticks!

I’m really excited about the extended flea and tick control  BRAVECTO chews provide!   I was happy to learn that BRAVECTO  is made by Merck, one of the largest and most trusted pharmaceutical companies in the world. 

Most of us know that Merck Pharmaceutical produces medications that improve the health and well being of people, but did you know that Merck is also a global leader in the research, development, and manufacturing of veterinary medicines?   

We all want to be diligent about the health of our pets, using products that are both effective and safe for them is vitally important.  It gives me peace of mind to know that BRAVECTO is made by Merck.  It's FDA approved (for dogs over 6 months) and Vet recommended.  I have confidence that BRAVECTO is not only effective, it's also safe to use on my dogs!

Extended Flea & Tick protection in a tasty chew that lasts up to 12 weeks!
Hiking is one of our favorite activities to do with our dogs.  Flea & tick protection is a must!

The fact that BRAVECTO comes in a tasty chew, is fast acting, and only needs to be administered every 3 months is a huge convenience.  Compared to a messy topical treatment that needs to be applied every month, I think it’s a big improvement in controlling fleas and ticks!

If you're wondering "How can I get rid of fleas?", ask your Veterinarian about BRAVECTO, the tasty chew that offers up to 12 week protection against fleas and ticks.

The most common adverse reactions recorded in clinical trials of BRAVECTO  were vomiting, decreased appetite, lethargy, diarrhea, polydipsia, and flatulence.  BRAVECTO  has not been shown to be effective for 12 weeks' duration in puppies less than 6 months of age.   BRAVECTO  is not effective against lone star ticks beyond 8 weeks after dosing.

Remember, fleas and ticks don't take a holiday, they're still here in Fall & Winter!

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information published. However, it remains the responsibility of the readers to familiarize themselves with the product information contained on the USA product label or package. 


M. K. Clinton said...

This sounds like a great alternative to those nasty drops! Great review and the photos of Icy are gorgeous.

Unknown said...

My Sasha's been on Bravecto since she came to us--with fleas--in early February. Easy to administer, and I'm very pleased with the results.

Robbi Hess said...

I definitely need to ask my vet about this as with all of the pets in my house I need to keep ahead of fleas! Great info!

Unknown said...

This is our first year using Bravecto! When we went to the vet to start her preventative treatment for the season the vet suggested adding Bravecto. Miss Edie had no problem at all eating the chews!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thanks, I love these pics too! I'm really excited about this new product, I've had with the messy, oily topicals!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I'm so glad you like the product, I'm so excited about it! I'm sorry you had to deal with fleas, but I'm really glad Bravecto helped get rid of them. It starts working to kill fleas lightening fast!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Yes, with multiple pets it's really easy for fleas to get a foothold. I'm so ready for this easy, 12 week protection against fleas & ticks!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I'm so glad Miss Edie likes the chews! It's nice not to have to worry about flea/tick protection for 12 weeks, isn't it?

Lapdog Creations said...

We use another brand, but the Lapdogs sure do love those tasty chews!

Talent Hounds said...

We're due to bring Kilo in for a check up to ask his vet about Bravecto! Especially since we've been spending more time outdoors lately due to the sunny weather here in Canada! This sounds like a lovely alternative to getting messy using typical drops.

AmyShojai said...

It's very important to provide proper parasite protection. Here in Texas, the bugs take over quickly!

Elizabeth Keene said...

We're getting our first Bravecto chews at the corgis' check-ups in July. SO glad I found out about this product! Beautiful pics!

Unknown said...

Prevention is so important and this sounds like it is also convenient to use.

Sadie said...

I'm sure I wouldn't have a hard time getting Henry to take his treat as he eats ANYTHING! The true test would be Reese. She is a picky miss.

Sweet Purrfections said...

I wish there was a tasty chew to control those nasty critters for cats. This post just reminded me that I need to put the drops on Truffle and Brulee this week.

Unknown said...

I had no idea Merck did pet products definitely trusted AND in a chew that lasts for 3 months... we are in! Smiles, Barks & Wagging Tails, Denise & ~Shasta

Tenacious Little Terrier said...

Mr. N does all of those things and he has a flea allergy so we're always up-to-date on prevention!

The Daily Pip said...

I absolutely love the convenience and ease of a monthly chew. I have never been totally comfortable with topical treatments. We live just outside Chicago and ticks aren't a huge problem for us, but protection from fleas is definitely vital!

Beth said...

We try to be very vigilant in our fight against fleas and ticks, but I am also concerned about the methods we use to keep them safe. A once a month treatment isn't too hard to remember. My dogs are big fans of anything tasty.

zoepheedogs said...

I've been thinking about switching to Bravecto. I've heard some awesome things about it!

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this, Cathy. I've seen the commercials on TV but haven't had time to look into it. This is a much better alternative for us who live in areas where we don't need year-round flea and tick preventatives.

Some people use a chewable that includes worming, flea and tick all in one tablet, but I didn't like the idea of treating Haley all year for the fleas and ticks if we don't need to. Bravecto looks like a great alternative. It sounds like people have had good results so far too.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I love the idea of a long lasting, tasty chew!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I really like the idea of a long lasting tasty chew vs. Messy, oily topicals you have to remember to apply every month!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Oh definitely so important! Yeah, once Summer comes along those pesky bugs do take over.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

That's great, I'm looking forward to getting it as well! I'm really glad I found out about it too. Thanks for the compliment on our photos!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Yes, protection against fleas & ticks is very important. Bravecto is super convenient, I'm excited about it!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

They're tasty chews & most dogs seem to love them. Give it a try!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I wish they had it for Kitty's too, but so far it's only approved for dogs. I'm glad this served as a helpful reminder for you!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I didn't know Merck was also a major player in veterinary medicine either! That definitely gave me confidence, they are such a well known & trusted brand.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Mr. N is allergic to fleas?? Poor thing! That makes it doubly important to have good fkea protection.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I don't care for topicals either, such a mess! I love that Bravecto is a tasty chew that you only need to give every 3 months, so convenient!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

It's important to be vigilant in Flea/ tick protection. I love that Bravecto is in a chew form.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Me too! Good things all around, I'm so excited about it!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

It definitely is a great alternative to topicals, I'm looking forward to one treatment that lasts all Summer!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

It definitely is a great alternative to topicals, I'm looking forward to one treatment that lasts all Summer!

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