

The Lazy Dog's Club

I had a lot of work to do today, but I decided to blow it off and just relax in the yard.  Ever have one of those days?

FOURTH of JULY is this weekend!  It's picnic and BBQ time for most, but it's also one of the busiest times of year at animal shelters, because Shelters Fill Up Over 4th of July weekend.  Please keep Pet Safety top of mind this weekend!

SO many pets get lost over July 4th weekend!  If your pet gets lost, follow these tips to Act Now and Get Them Back Home!



Dachshund Nola said...

Haha, sometimes that's all you can do!

Two French Bulldogs said...

We are all set for the noisy weekend
Lily & Edward

Unknown said...

Hey, we're all for relaxing around here, lol! Great reminder about keeping your pup safe at home this weekend too. Have a wonderful Fourth of July!

Unknown said...

Shermie is one of those dogs - freaks out for 3-4 days and loses his little mind so we're hunkering down and getting ready for all the fun.... :) Hope you had a good Wednesday!

M. K. Clinton said...

My brother is coming in from NYC this weekend and we are so excited! We will still stay home on the 4th because Bentley doesn't like fireworks. I will be trying a new device called Calmz that I received at BlogPaws so I'll let you know how it works.

Unknown said...

All these dogs are really cute and adorable. They are actually cute but it is not that easy to keep them healthy and happy as we always need to follow the Pet Grooming Tips in depth as making them happy is always difficult and need more input then before. But above all the pets are loyal to you lifelong that even most of the humans fail to do.

Kari Neumeyer said...

I've been doing a lot of that lately.

Andrea @ This Pug Life said...

Every day is lazy day for Pug!

Anonymous said...

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