

Enjoying Dog Friendly Fall Events

We've been on the hunt for pet friendly events in our area this Fall! We loving taking our dogs, Icy and Phoebe to dog friendly places and events.

My dogs having fun at a dog friendly event on Long Island

One such event is the annual Fall Festival in Huntington, Long Island, New York.  

It's held at a small local park that is normally not welcoming to dogs at all but during the festival, families come out in droves with both their kids and the family dog!  We try never to miss this opportunity to walk around the park with our dogs, meeting other pet parents and dogs.

The Fall Festival in Huntington, Long Island, NY
Fortunately, I was not abducted by any alien beings at the festival, LOL!
The festival started on Friday night and went through Monday. It was a blast!

The Park has a lovely pond that ducks, turtles, and a pair of swans call home.
What's Fall without PUMPKINS!!  Lots & lots of pumpkins!

Pet friendly events and places are a great socialization opportunity
Phoebe posed for a photo at the FIOS booth, they decorated so nicely!
And MUMS, lots of colorful mums!!  I love all the pumpkins and mums in fall, with their beautiful Autumn color.  I can't wait to carve our Halloween Jack-O-Lantern pumpkin, one of my favorite Fall activities!
Enjoying colorful Mums at a dog friendly event during #Fall

Another great thing about dog friendly places and events is the Socialization opportunity.  It's important to keep your dog well socialized with both people and other dogs throughout his life. Of course, you don't want to take an un-socialized or aggressive/dominant canine to a pet friendly event to "socialize him", socializing a puppy or dog is not a One and Done activity!

Making new friends at the Fall Festival in Huntington, Long Island
Phoebe met this sweet little girl as we walked through the festival
Making friends with a sweet little Pittie  at the Fall festival
Smoochin' with a handsome pup Phoebe met along the walking path
Uh-oh, Icy will be so jealous that Phoebe is getting cozy with a handsome Husky!

It was a veritable DOG PAWTY at the Huntington Fall Festival! All the dogs we met were super well behaved and friendly, and having a blast making lots of new friends!

It's a Doggie Huddle!
I must say, all the dogs behaved a whole lot Better than our current political candidates have been behaving.  No mud slinging debates happening here!

Whew!  After all that fun and socializing, I need a bit of ME time.
Have you been to any fun Fall events?  What fun things do you have planned for your pets this season?  Leave us a comment and share, we LOVE when you share your adventures too!!


Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Looks like such a pawsome time!

Dachshund Nola said...

That all looks so fun!

M. K. Clinton said...

What a great weekend to enjoy fall fun with Icy and Phoebe. I love your photos. ♥

Two French Bulldogs said...

What fun places and ideas!
Lily & Edward

Lapdog Creations said...

Penny is our social butterfly! We've got to post about some of our fall events!

Unknown said...

Fall is my favourite time of the year! What better weather to go exploring the sites and events the city has to offer. I can't wait to go to the pumpkin patch!

Hindy Pearson said...

It's a shame how many places are still pet "unfriendly." Great you can take your cuties out and about with you, and yes, it certainly is a great opportunity for them to socialise and experience new people, places and things.

Sonja of MontecristoTravels said...

We need more pet friendly fall events. Summer has lots but it's already in decline and gets worse with winter. 8sigh8

Three Chatty Cats said...

The Fall Festival looks like it was so much fun! I can't wait for it to feel like fall here. Until then, I'll just have to enjoy your fall themed pictures! Love the pumpkin picture.

Rosa Doodle said...

I'm recooperating from knee surgery and have been stuck in the house for weeks. It's fine for me but I feel so bad for my dogs. I can't wait to get out again and bring the pups with me! Loved your post and the pictures are wonderful!

M Dawson said...

Dog friendly events must be a blessing for anyone who wants to enjoy events AND take their pup along. It's a great chance for you all to enjoy some wonderful together time!

Unknown said...

LOL! Your Phoebe sure was livin it up! I bet Icy WAS jealous! I would be with Phoebe getting all that attention. Give them both hugs for me - gorgeous furkids!

Unknown said...

So happy here in AZ it is finally cooling off and doggy events are finally starting back up!

Raising Your Pets Naturally with Tonya Wilhelm said...

Wow. It looks like you had a great time! We are hoping to do a pumpkin patch, hay ride and corn maze in a couple of weeks.

LaylasWoof said...

Looks like so much fun :)

Kia said...

Yay for dog friendly events! We plan on going to one in November called Woofstock and we can't wait :) Lovely photos BTW.

Sweet Purrfections said...

I need to research pet friendly locations near me. My friend had to evacuate from the coast of SC last week and she stayed with me. Her dog stayed at my vet because of the girls, but Vicky would pick him up each day. She asked me about special places to take him and I didn't have an answer.

Amanda Yantos said...

I'm glad you're finding events in NY! As you know, October is the big month for pet events to begin in AZ, so we started with Barktoberfest last week! Looks like you all had a blast :)

Tenacious Little Terrier said...

I love all the bright colors. I'm taking Mr. N to the pet expo this weekend.

Unknown said...

Such a fun place! I'm happy no one got abducted by aliens :D!

Unknown said...

This looks like so much fun! I love fall festivals, especially the pumpkins and mums! Gremlin can get a little overwhelmed in big crowds, so sadly, he has to stay home from events like that :(

Unknown said...

Pheobe looks really happy. We love knowing about new pet friendly places keep posting

Beth said...

What a wonderful way to enjoy the fall weather! Sadly most of the events around here are not pet friendly. We can't even take dogs to the apple orchards :(

Daisy Dog Delights said...
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Daisy Dog Delights said...

Hi Cathy! I just wanted to say that it was lovely meeting you at the Fall Festival and that I hope your dogs are enjoying their Daisy Dog Delights. It was such a beautiful event and you described it perfectly. I only wish they would allow dogs all year round! Give those pups lots of hugs and kisses!

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