

100 Places to See With Your Dog - A Dog Friendly Brewery in Northport, NY

There's a really FUN trend that's starting up around the country, the Dog Friendly Brewery!  I was so thrilled when I discovered SAND CITY dog friendly brewery in the town of Northport, in Long Island, New York.  It's the town right next door to where we live in Huntington, Long Island!

A Dog Friendly Brewery, Long Island New York
Icy, hanging out at Northport, Long Island dog friendly Sand City Brewery
Even though I don't drink beer myself, of course I had to check this place out!  My husband is a bit of a beer connoisseur, at least that's what he tells me.  We decided to go last Sunday afternoon, taking Icy along with us.  Northport is a lovely, quaint town.  While many of Long Island's towns have become highly commercial and lost their old fashioned charm, Northport is one of the few towns left on Long Island that has maintained it's quaintness.  That's the thing I love most about Northport.  That, and the fact that it sits right on the water, overlooking the Long Island Sound.

One of two big, beautiful Christmas trees right at the water's edge in Northport, Long Island.
If the town's charm and beautiful water view don't win you over, the fact that they have a dog friendly brewery certainly will!  The SAND CITY BREWERY is a very unique place.  It's one of only two dog friendly breweries on Long Island, that I could find anyway.  Since they don't serve food, dogs are allowed INSIDE the brewery.  If they served any food, NY state law would prohibit dogs (other than service dogs) to enter the establishment.  It's standing room only, there are no chairs in the place.  They don't serve any food or soda, and they don't serve any alcohol other than beer.  This is truly a place for beer lovers!  (Oh, and Dog Lovers too!)

Icy and I head down the alleyway to SAND CITY BREWERY!
SAND CITY BREWERY is located at 60 Main Street but it's actually down a long alleyway, so you've got to look for it or you might miss it!  We thought it was pretty cool heading down an alley to get to the place.  If you or your pooch need some fresh air, they have an outdoor deck with benches along the fence you can sit on.  This time of year, there's a Christmas tree out on the deck too.

Me, John, and Icy getting some fresh air on the outdoor deck.
There were a couple of other dogs there as well.  Icy greeted them and they were all on good behavior, enjoying the attention they got from the humans.

Icy doesn't understand why this "dog" won't talk to her!  Hey, buddy!  Why won't you talk to me - what's the matter, cat got your tongue??

Although there are no chairs or stools to sit in, it's a fun place.  John and his friends tell me their beer is great too!

There are lots of great little shops and places to eat in Northport, Long Island.
Icy and I took a stroll down main street, window shopping and going inside some of the shops to say hello.  We walked in the park next to the water and took a stroll down the pier to take in the sight and smells of the water.  It was such a wonderful afternoon, we can't wait to go back!

Ahhhh, smell that beautiful salty air!!
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Have you ever been to a dog friendly brewery?  Are there any in your area?  Leave us a comment and let us know!!


M. K. Clinton said...

What a fun outing and that tree is gorgeous! I love pet friendly places. ♥

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

It was SO much fun! I love that tree, just steps from the water. There's a "twin" to that tree on the other side of the street. Not quite the Rockefeller Center tree, but they look so beautiful overlooking the water!

Unknown said...

I love the picture of Icy smelling the air by the water! I wish there were more pet friendly establishments available - maybe I would get out more ;)

AmyShojai said...

Everything (including beer and visiting a brewery) is BETTER with a dog! So sayeth Magical-Dawg and he'd never fib. *s*

Pawesome Cats said...

I love that your dog gets to go everywhere with you - truly a member of the family. And those Christmas trees are impressive.

Talent Hounds said...

That looks like a fun place for you and Icy. Great photos and tree (and non-verbal dog LOL). My hubby loves beer and there is one dog-friendly brew pub near his office- they only serve food at special events I believe.

Raising Your Pets Naturally with Tonya Wilhelm said...

Wow! Another great trip for Icy. So many fun things to do and explore. Thanks for taking us along. That brewery seems like it would be a must do.

HAZEL said...

We love your dog friendly travel posts! <3 Icy seems always so happy whenever she travels! Happy enjoys going to new places too. :) It's so cute when Dogs get all excited like little kids. <3 You guys look great together with the Christmas tree. <3

The Daily Pip said...

The Sand City Brewery and town of Northpoint sound so fun! I do like craft beer and of course I love dogs so sounds like my kind of place. We have a few places near us that allow dogs on the patio, but not too many let the dogs inside.

The Daily Pip said...

P.S.: Love the tree on the boardwalk near the water.

LaylasWoof said...

It sounded like so much fun and I think more and more places are waking up to the fact that we want our four legged kids with us

Sweet Purrfections said...

I wish I could travel with my girls, but cats don't usually travel too well.

Tenacious Little Terrier said...

I think most/a lot(?) of the breweries are dog friendly here. I don't drink beer really so Mr. N has only gone or twice.

Unknown said...

Lovely pictures! Icy sure had an amazing time!! It's so nice when we as dog parents are able to include our fur kids! More places should be this open minded! Icy clearly is well behaved!! <3 Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

Considering our blog name, this is right in our wheelhouse, or beerhouse, whatever you prefer! There are TONS of dog friendly breweries out there and we've been working on a book that will highlight them. Thanks for sharing your experience!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

She was in heaven smelling that salty sea air, it was so cute when she stuck her snout in the air to take it all in!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

You got that right, Amy!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

We love taking the dogs everywhere they're allowed with us! I really hate leaving them home - they hate that too!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

It was so much fun, we're definitely going back there again & again. I love their trees and holiday decorations too, so festive! That dog statue was so cute, I just loved it. It's great that your hubby has a brewery like this near him too, ever take Kilo there?

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Yup! We love taking our dogs on adventures and outings with us. Isn't that how it should be?!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thank you so much Hazel, I really appreciate that. I love sharing our trips & adventures with everyone. Life is just so much better when you have your dog along, don't you think? Thanks for the compliment on our Christmas tree photo!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

It's totally your kind of place, then! You'd love it. We LOVE finding dog friendly places and sharing them with everyone. Northport is so dog friendly, I love that town.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Oh me too! There's another identical tree right across the street on the other side. They're so beautiful!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Absolutely!! So many businesses are realizing that people consider their pets to be part of the family. We hate leaving them home, we want them to come with us everywhere!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

True, not all cats like to travel but I have many friends whose cats love the car and love going places! I think the key is taking them places as little kittens. One friend never went to see his Mom without his cat along for the ride. So great.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

That is so great having dog friendly breweries where you live! We have only two on Long Island that I know of. I don't drink beer either but my husband does. Me & icy just hang out with him & his friends and have fun.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thanks Valerie! I'm glad you enjoyed the post. I totally agree, More places should be open to welcoming well behaved fur kids!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I know right!? I totally thought of you when I wrote this post. What a great book that sounds like, let us know when you have a publish date!

Unknown said...

What a fun thing to do with your dog. Love knowing about pet friendly places from around the world

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