

Santa is Coming To Town!

Santa Paws is coming soon!  Have you been Naughty or Nice ??

Oh Crap.  I probably shouldn't have chewed Icy's blanket up in July.  I hope Santa has a short memory!

A puppy may seem like the perfect holiday gift, but getting a surprise puppy or a dog for someone else is often a the worst gift idea if you don't put some careful thought into it.   

Remember, there's a breed specific rescue organization for nearly Every breed of dog or cat out there!  Please Adopt Don't Shop whenever possible.


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Two French Bulldogs said...

Blame it on the kitty
Lily & Edward

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Great reminders! (Although I admit our first dog was a Christmas gift but one we had been talking about for years).

Unknown said...

Well I think Santa would put them on the naughty list but I'm just putting them on the nice list and ignoring a chewed up blanket, arm chair and huge holes in the yard this summer! What about your guys?!

Kari Neumeyer said...

I'm sure Icy forgives you!

M. K. Clinton said...

If Santa gets here first, we will vouch for you. Besides, are there photos of the incident? #Innocent

Unknown said...

No worries, you've probably had five months of being a nice girl since July. I bet his elves are packing up some goodies for you right now. Merry Christmas! 😊

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

so cute!

Jackie Bouchard said...

Important reminders! I heard on the radio yesterday that the local humane society is selling gift certificates - so instead of giving someone a dog you can give them the certificate and then they go pick a dog out after the craziness of the holidays. Thought that was a great idea!

Golden Daily Scoop said...

What a cutie! We're sure Santa is packing up some fantastic goodies for you! :)

Tenacious Little Terrier said...

I'm sure you're on the nice list! You've done lots of good things since then right?

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