

5 Great Reasons To Attend the BlogPaws Conference

BlogPaws is the premier online social media company for bloggers and social media influencers.  BlogPaws connects brands with bloggers and social media influencers, and connects bloggers and influencers with each other.  Take your blogging and influencer skills to the next level by joining us at the BlogPaws Conference! 
May 18 - 20, 2017 
Sheraton Myrtle Beach Convention Center Hotel
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 
This post is sponsored by the BlogPaws® Pet Influencer Network™. I am being compensated as a BlogPaws Conference Ambassador to help share information about the BlogPaws 2017 Conference but we only share information we feel is relevant to our readers. BlogPaws is not responsible for the content of this article.

If you're a new blogger or haven't attended a BlogPaws conference before here's why you should go!  

5 Great Reasons To Attend The BlogPaws Conference

The blogging and social media education is more valuable than I can say.  Whether you're brand new to the blogging community or a seasoned influencer, there are Featured Speakers and Workshops that will help you grow your blog and your social media presence. The workshops cover a wide variety of the hottest industry trends in blogging & social media.  There are so many great sessions to choose from!

Network with other bloggers, brands, and industry experts in the pet community.  BlogPaws bloggers learn from each other, support each other, and have a bond that comes from our shared interest in pets and their welfare.  We're in this blogging journey together!

Connect with industry professionals and brands you'd like to work with.  There's nothing like meeting in person and talking about your passion and your blog (or microblog) to make an impression and forge a relationship with a brand.  You'll learn a lot about their company and products as well, and what new products or initiatives they may be working on.

The BlogPaws conference is a great deal.  You get SO much for the price of a conference ticket.  It's all inclusive from Keynote Speakers, to Working Sessions, Food and more!

BlogPaws SWAG bags always contain great new products to try!  You'll want to share about all the great SWAG you got with your readers after the conference... or during the conference via your social media channels!

I'm honored to serve as a Conference Ambassador this year, and pleased to be able to offer you the AMBASSADOR 10% CONFERENCE DISCOUNT!!  Use the code  BP17-10off-Ambassador to receive 10% off the price of your conference ticket!  Click here to Purchase Your Conference Ticket   (discount applies only to the conference ticket, not hotel or airfare)

Already have your ticket but haven't made your Hotel Reservation yet?  You can make your Hotel Reservation Here.

BlogPaws, the premier online social media company for pet bloggers and social media influencers hosts an annual conference
Serving up Learning, Networking & FUN at the 2016 BlogPaws Conference!

9 Common Conference Questions Answered

What does my conference ticket include?
Entrance to the Exhibit Hall, all Keynote Speaker sessions, Working Sessions (w/ a few exceptions as noted), Events, Nose-to-Nose awards dinner, Meals (as noted on the agenda).

Should I bring Business Cards with me?
YES!  You'll be meeting so many people you want to keep in contact with, from fellow Bloggers and Influencers to Brand Representatives and  Industry Leaders.  You want them to remember you so business cards are a must.  If you need to order them, do so NOW!  Printing mistakes often happen (especially to me, I have no luck with printing!).  Leave time to have them redone just in case.

Can I bring a friend or my significant other to the conference?
Yes!  Your companion will need a conference ticket as well if s/he wants to partake in any of the sessions, events, meals, or the awards dinner.  You can apply the 10%  Ambassador discount code to their ticket as well!

What kind of food will be served?
BlogPaws always offers a wide selection of delicious food, and plenty of it!  They include vegetarian, vegan, gluten free, and dairy free options as well.  If you have other dietary restrictions let them know in advance and they will work to accommodate you.

How will I get from the airport to the hotel?
BlogPaws will be providing a code for FREE Uber taxi rides from the airport.  Airport transfer is included in your conference ticket price.  Watch for updates to find out the code & details on airport transport.

What do I do with my pets while I'm at the presentations and sessions?
One of the best things about BlogPaws conferences is that you can bring your pets with you!  They can even attend presentations and working sessions with you.  If you or your dog need a break there is supervised doggie playtime at on-site Pet Parks available. This is set up either indoors or outdoors, depending mostly on weather. There is no extra charge for this!

What should I wear?
Dress is mainly casual/business casual, although it can vary.  You want to be comfortable and dress appropriately for a warm climate, but you will also be meeting industry professionals and brands you want to make a good impression on.  Most importantly, wear comfortable shoes!  You'll be doing lots of walking and standing.  You are free to dress up for the Awards dinner the last night, many people do!  You'll find people wearing anything from slightly dressed up to full out black tie, it's up to you!

What should I pack? 
One important thing I'll say right now is to Leave Extra Room in your bag for all the SWAG you'll pick up as you walk through the Exhibit Hall!  Our generous Sponsors want you to see their products, and most want you to take a sample home with you to try - and hopefully write about!  Honestly, people always say they wish they had left more room in their suitcase for all the fabulous SWAG!!

You'll have your cell phone of course, and you may want to bring a laptop or tablet for taking notes during the sessions.  I also bring a notebook & pens because one year I somehow deleted notes I was taking at a session!  Some folks like to upload photos and video to blog about the conference in the evenings.  I share conference images on my social media during the conference, and blog about my experiences later.  Sponsors love when you take photos or short videos with them at their booths showing their products.  I'll be posting photos & video with some of the brands on my social media.  Don't forget your chargers!

BlogPaws Social Media Conference is pet friendly!
Icy and Phoebe loved their first BlogPaws Conference in 2015!

Pet food isn't provided at the conference, you'll need to bring your own.  I'll bring along fun outfits, collars/leashes, and bandanas for my dogs.  I'm going to dress them up for the Awards dinner too!  You don't have to be a Nose to Nose Awards Finalist to walk the Red Carpet, we're all invited to strut our stuff on the Red Carpet that night!  

Where should I go to stay up to date on conference news?
Follow the BlogPaws Conference 2017 Facebook Page.  As we get closer to the conference, updated conference information will be posted there.  Check out the Essential BlogPaws 2017 Conference Everything Post on the BlogPaws web site for all the essentials you'll need to know for the conference.

A really wonderful addition this year is the BlogPaws  Newbies Course! If you're a new Blogger or Influencer attending the conference for the first time, you should take the BlogPaws SLC 2017 Conference Newbies course - it's FREE and full of great conference tips!  It's not completely finished yet, but go on in and introduce yourself!

Click this link to learn more about the BlogPaws 2017 Conference.  

I went to my first BlogPaws conference in 2014.  When I read about all the great speakers and working sessions they were having, I knew I had to be there!  Despite the fact that I was a total newbie blogger who wouldn't know a soul there, I took the plunge and went.  I didn't know anyone or have any idea of what to expect.  As soon as I arrived however, I started meeting people!

Not only did I have a great time at the conference, I learned so much more than I ever expected.  The connections I made and the things I learned did wonders for my blog and my social media presence. I couldn't believe so many pet loving people (and their pets!) gathered in one place to network, learn, share information and ideas, and have FUN!  I had found my "Tribe"!

As a Conference Ambassador, I'm happy to assist conference attendees in the BlogPaws Conference experience both before and during the conference.  Do you have questions about the conference?  Post them in the comments and I'll answer them!  If I don't know the answer, I'll find it for you.

I'll See You In Myrtle Beach, Friends!!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of BlogPaws. The opinions and text are all mine.


Two French Bulldogs said...

One day we'll get there
Lily & Edward

M. K. Clinton said...

It is the best three days of the year!

Hindy Pearson said...

Okay now you're just rubbing my nose in it!! It sounds like such an amazing event, but I can't possibly attend. Dare I say next year perhaps?

Unknown said...

Really does sound like such a great time, and super informative too. Wish I could make it there this year, but hopefully next year!

Carleenp said...

Totally looking forward to it. We will see you there!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Super informative and great post!!! Congrats on being an Ambassador! DakotasDen

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

This is very exciting! Concatulations to you. Mommu can't wait to meet you, Icy and Phoebe.

Lapdog Creations said...

Congrats on being an ambassador!

Feline Opines said...

Eschewed my regular yearly writer's conference last year to attend first BlogPaws conference and can't say enough about how wonderful it was. Bringing hubby this year, although we're not brave enough to bring the Tribe of Five.

DawgBlogger said...

I'm sure you guys will have all kinds of fun.

Tenacious Little Terrier said...

I'm sad I'll be missing it this year. Next year!

pilch92 said...

I wish I was going, maybe one of these years I will.

The Daily Pip said...

I can't wait for BlogPaws! I attended my first conference in Nashville and it made a huge difference for me. I arrived not really having a clue where I wanted to take the blog and I left with direction and focus and action steps to get there.

Unknown said...

I completely agree with every reason you gave for attending BlogPaws! It was a life/blog changing experience for me and I am excited to be attending again this year. Congratulations on being a conference ambassador this year! Looking forward to seeing you in May!

Anonymous said...

Last year I attended BP in AZ for the first time, as part of a Speakers Panel, so it was a bit overwhelming, but fun. It's important to pace yourself and focus on what is important to you. I made three connections that have impacted me significantly as a blogger and an author. Interestingly, these organizations and people "found" me while I was just hanging out, taking a time out, and one was the result of connecting with an acquiring editor with whom I've made a nice connection. Sometimes in all the bustle, it's good to just sit back and let the universe send you a "messenger". Anyway, that works for me. The AZ desert was stunning, and this year, the beautiful beaches of MB, SC will provide a good place to take a break. See you then!

M Dawson said...

I heard that the trip from the airport is really long this year. I hope there are shuttles, my UK buddies will have got of a long flight and to suddenly find themselves scrabbling for a shuttle is my idea of hell. Cathy, can you confirm they will be cared for?

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I hope so! We'd love to meet you in person.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Yes, it is! I really can't wait, especially since I'll be an Ambassador this year.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Oh no! It really is an amazing event, you learn so much and make so many great friends & connections. I hope you can make it next year, start planning for it now!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

It is the most beneficial conference for a blogger and/or social media influencer! There are so many incredible learning sessions and keynote speakers with fantastic insights. You learn a TON and forge so many relationships. It's the best.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Fantastic! I look forward to meeting you! I'm really glad you'll be there Carleen, it will be a great event.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thanks Caren! I really appreciate that. I'm so excited to be an Ambassador and help support this great event. It's the best!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thank you!! We can't wait to meet you at the conference!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thank you so much Nichole, I'm really excited about it! It was such an amazing surprise, I would never have expected to be asked to be an Ambassador.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I'm so glad you'll be at the conference!! I look forward to meeting you. Isn't it such a great event, so worthwhile in so many ways. I came away each time with more knowledge than I ever expected .

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Oh totally!! I can't wait. Will you be there, Jana?

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Oh bummer! I'm sure it will be on the West coast again next year, hopefully you can make it again. It was great meeting you and Mr. N at the conference last year!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I hope you can make it too, it really is the event of the year for pet bloggers & social media influencers (or those aspiring to be) in the pet space. Start planning now so you can go next year. It will likely be on the West coast next year, they usually alternate between East and West coasts.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I can't wait for the conference, and I'm so looking forward to seeing you there again!! I'm thrilled for you to be a Finalist again this year, and in 2 categories! We're going to have a blast! I had the same thing at my first conference, I didn't have any direction or plan for my blog. That conference changed everything for me!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I'm so glad you'll be there Alison. I'm thrilled for you to be a Finalist in the Best Cause Blog category! You do so much great work bringing awareness to Pit Bulls and how misunderstood they are. You so deserve this nomination.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I'm so glad you had a great conference experience last year! The BlogPaws conferences and the BlogPaws community in general has made a huge impact for me as well. It really is so beneficial to meet so many people face to face and make lasting connections. I look forward to meeting you there!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

It is? I'm not that surprised, it's all the way down by the beach area. It will be a beautiful drive. I'm driving down from New York, so the drive will be really long for us but we enjoy a good road trip! There is always transport available to/from the airport. In the past they've either provided shuttle buses or they provided free Uber rides via a special account set up for our conference. I actually enjoyed the conference shuttle bus because I got to meet several people as soon as I got there right on the bus. That was so helpful to me. Don't worry, your friends will be in good hands.

Raising Your Pets Naturally with Tonya Wilhelm said...

Now, those area great 5 amazing things. BUT, I have to say it. You forgot THE BEACH! hahaha Can't wait to meet you.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Excellent post! I look forward to serving as an ambassador with you in Myrtle Beach!

Robin said...

I'm so excited to be working with you and the whole BlogPaws team for this year's conference! It is going to be a great one. Going to the BlogPaws conferences has been one of the best choices I've made since becoming a blogger. They make a huge difference. I've learned a ton and made a lot of contacts!
-Purrs from your friends at

Beth said...

This will be my first time attending the BlogPaws conference, so I appreciate all the advice you can give us!

Unknown said...

Omgawwwd I want to go so so much!!!

Unknown said...

Amazing reasons all of them ... just tough to fit into the budget when both the wedding and travel remain the priority you know!

Maggie said...

Oh, my gosh! I can't WAIT to see those sweet faces dressed up for the red carpet!! You hit on some many key points. For me, too, it's getting to spend time with people who are as passionate as I am about both pets and blogging. It's SUCH an inspiring conference, and I always walk away feeling so invigorated. Can't wait to catch up with you in person next month!!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

You're right, I should have mentioned the Beach!! That's what Myrtle Beach is known for; golfing and the beach.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thanks Paula! I look forward to working together as well.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I'm excited about it too! The conferences have made a huge difference for me too, in fact BlogPaws changed everything for me - I would have given up blogging long ago if I hadn't found them & attended the conferences!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

How exciting! I can't wait to meet you at the conference & hang out together. You will LOVE it and be amazed at how much you'll learn. There are huge learnings at every level.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I SO wish you were going!! I think you should get in the car and drive down there, make a vacation out of it, maybe take your older daughter with you. It would be a great experience for her. Perhaps you can get a brand or vendor you work with to sponsor your trip? I'd love to see you in person!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thanks Sonja. I know, it is an expense to travel and you do have so much on your plate! I'm so enjoying all your travel posts, especially the ones on Prague. What an amazing & dog friendly place - who knew??

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I can't wait to see you there Maggie! I've gotten so much out of every conference. It was crucial to me as a new blogger, and each year I learn more & more at every level. There are learning sessions for every level of blogging & social media.

Pixel Blue Eyes said...

What an excellent blog post Cathy! Mommy Jenny & I attended our first BlogPaws conference in 2013 and, as everyone has said, it helped boost out blogging to a new level. We got our first paid campaign soon afterwards. I sent Mommy to the one in Phoenix & she loved seeing all her friends again, & meeting so many new ones. We're really bummed about missing this year's conference because Mommy is from SC, but hopefully next year we'll BOTH be there!
Have fun and congrats on being chosen as an ambassador. You so deserve it!
Your friend, Pixel

Kolchak Puggle said...

Ha, I love that you linked to the "Everything BlogPaws" post even though I think you covered it all here! You've nailed it: Blogpaws has SO MUCH to offer.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thanks so much for the kind words, I really appreciate it! I'm so sorry you won't be with us this year, but definitely plan for next year!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I definitely wanted to link to the Everything post because it will be getting updated as we get closer to the date - it's such a great post! There is so much to offer at the conference, I look forward to seeing you there.

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