

Snowdog Days

The big conversation the last two weeks has been the Weather!  Mother Nature has been more fickle than ever.  A couple of weeks ago we had a snowstorm, then she sent Spring for a week, but then she changed her mind and sent another snowstorm!!  WHAT is she thinking??

Here are some photos of us as we got jerked around by Mother Nature's whim this month.

In February we had a pretty big snowstorm.  That was expected, and FUN too!

Icy and her buddy Cooper are up to their tummies in snow!

A week after the snowstorm we were at the Beach!  The beach in February, amazing!  Thanks you Mother Nature for giving us an early Spring....

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A week after Mother Nature teased us with a Spring week, she slammed us with another Snowstorm!  Not that everyone was complaining!

Icy wasn't complaining about another snowstorm, she was having a blast!


With Winter still hanging on in many places, be mindful of WINTER SAFETY TIPS FOR PETS

Will the next 5 weeks bring another snowstorm or will Spring finally be here by April?  Leave us a comment and let us know your weather thoughts!



Andrea @ This Pug Life said...

We've barely had any snow all winter. We got about 1-2 inches on Sunday but most quickly melted. Pug was happy but I like the snow!

Unknown said...

I'm ready for spring. This flip-flopping weather is driving me crazy, and the dogs too. After this last storm we can't even let the horses out in the paddocks because of the ice.

FiveSibesMom said...

Mother Nature has been fickle for sure! We had an almost 40° temperature change in a day! We were having amazing spring weather in February, and then came Stella! We have two feet here! It's a winter wonderland for our Huskies (not us humans)! I'll take your beach day right about now! Great pics!

M. K. Clinton said...

The weather is crazy everywhere. We didn't even have a winter this year.

Robin said...

I'm glad that your pups can enjoy the weather no matter what is coming out of the sky! Our weather has been crazy too. A few weeks ago it seemed like spring and now it is snowing and 14 degrees.
-Purrs from your friends at

Rachele Baker said...

I grew up in Vermont, so I have definitely lived through many snowy winters. Now I am enjoying living in California where I was born. After a long, cold, rainy winter, it is finally spring here. I am loving the warmth and spring flowers.

Brando and Bogart said...

BOL! Mother Nature is really enjoying toying with us these last weeks of Winter! At least Icy is enjoying it!

Tenacious Little Terrier said...

I think our snow is over.... but we're currently on flood watch! It's always something.

The Daily Pip said...

This has truly been the weirdest winter ever. We had temps in the 50's in February (normally in the teens) and pretty much no snow from December until March. We had snow earlier this week, but it has already almost melted. Not sure what to expect next!

Jane ♡ Pawbellish said...

It's definitely been a crazy month with the weather! Looks like you got quite a bit of snow. Love Icy in the photo playing with the Tennis Ball, she looks adorable ❤ & having a good old time!

Beth said...

I think this has been the yo yo season as far as the weather goes! I haven't minded it, but it is definitely strange. I am worried about the long term effects of global warming though.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

We loved all the snow, but at this point we're kind of over it and longing for Spring!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Yeah, the flip-flopping is driving us nuts too. We just need some Spring already!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

OMG, SO fickle! Isn't it crazy, I wish it would just Spring already.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Really? I didn't realize that. We sure had Winter here, and we loved it but now it's like OK, Spring, where are ya??

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

It just throws everything off, doesn't it?? I am looking forward to Spring flowers.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I love early Spring in SoCal, it's so beautiful! I love VT too though, lol! I loved skiing up there, I remember the saying "There may not be snow at Killington, but "there's always snow at Stowe!"

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I know right!? She is totally playing with us! So rude.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Ugh! I think flooding is way worse than snow, right?

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Hasn't it?? It is nuts! 60 degrees one day and in the 30's w/ snow the very next day. Spring, where are you??

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

We did get some fabulous snow here, I must admit. It's the swings from snow to 60 degrees and right back to snow that makes us cringe. One or the other, please!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Oh totally!! A crazy, extreme, flings back & hits you in the head yo yo LOL!! I do worry about global warming as well, it's wreaking havoc.

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