

A Dog's Slumber

We love to follow the daily comings and goings of our two favorite Persian cats, Truffle and Brulee from Sweet Purrfections.  They always have something interesting to say, and they have great giveaways!  I won this beautiful TRUSTYPUP Dog Bed on Sweet Purrfections.  

BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop and the eco-friendly dog bed I won!

I wanted the bed for my Siberian Husky Icy, but of course Phoebe wanted it too!  Little sisters are like that, they always want what their big sisters have!

Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop and the eco-friendly dog bed I won!

This dog bed is big and comfy and is made with memory foam, so it's good for my dog's back.

Eco-friendly dog bed I won and a Blog Hop

Big puffy reclaimed memory foam fill makes this pet bed Eco-friendly!

Dog bed made with eco-friendly reclaimed memory foam

Read Sweet Purrfections review of the TrustyPup Memory Foam Bed here.



Lapdog Creations said...

Trusty Pup makes some really comfy, affordable beds! Congrats on winning one!

Brando and Bogart said...

Wowie! What a great prize! It looks super comfortable! Just remember to share with Phoebe, even though sisters can be a pain!

Two French Bulldogs said...

I think I need that bed
Lily & Edward

Pamela said...

That looks like a cozy bed. Especially with that nice bolster to prop your chin on.

We will be going to BlogPaws. We live on a sail boat and will be leaving next week to head up the Intracoastal Waterway in time to hit Myrtle Beach in mid May.

Maybe I'll see you there.

M Dawson said...

Now THAT looks a comfortable bed indeed. In fact, I think I need a nap!!!

Thanks to the ladies at Sweet Purrfections for a super giveaway!

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

It looks like a wonderfully comfortable bed!

Kitty Cat Chronicles said...

Luckies! That bed looks awesome! Congrats on winning, and glad to see you guys are enjoying it!
Oh, and we WILL be joining you at BlogPaws next month! Mom, Dad, Sophie, Kylo Ren, and maybe even Jubilee & Sydney the sugar gliders! See you there!

M. K. Clinton said...

We LOVE our Trusty Pup bed! Pierre usually sleeps on it but Bentley will steal it in a heartbeat! LOL!

Sweet Purrfections said...

So happy your dogs are enjoying the bed. I gave ours to my mom. She said it's amazing how much better he sleeps through the night now.

Unknown said...

aw how cool that you won!!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

what a lovely bed! Congratulations!

Raising Your Pets Naturally with Tonya Wilhelm said...

Awesome bed! Congratulations on the win. It looks so cozy. I love following those two kitties too.

FiveSibesMom said...

Wow, that sure looks like a real dreamy bed! Enjoy (both Icy and Phoebe!)I think I'd like to lay on that!

Impurrfectlife said...

They are LOVING that doggie bed! Call me crazy but since when do doggie beds have memory foam? Our furbabies definitely live the life of Riley!

LaylasWoof said...

That looks like such a comfy bed, enjoy !!!!!!!!!

Beth said...

It looks like a very comfy bed! I bet Icy doesn't mind sharing some of the time.

FidoseofReality said...

I am so excited for this year's BlogPaws Conference and doubly thrilled you are an ambassador. WOW it is creeping up fast

Unknown said...

I feel like I need a bed like this for naps! I love the big beds that have bumpers like this around the edge. I cannot believe I'm not going to the event this year :( I'm going to miss seeing you for a coffee!

Tenacious Little Terrier said...

How are they liking sharing? Phoebe might need one of her own!

MattieDog said...

Love Memory Foam-based dog beds - so comfy! And they even make a good head rest for me when I'm on the ground snuggling up to the pups :)

Unknown said...

I would never have expected to win a dog bed from Truffles and Brulee! It looks very comfy I wouldn't want to share it either! Love Dolly

Katie A. said...

That sounds like a really comfy bed! I am sure Echo and Gracie would like these too!

Anonymous said...

Now that's what I call sleeping in style! I'm so glad the pups are enjoying their comfy bed. Can't wait to see you in Myrtle Beach soon!!

Unknown said...

Wow, that does look comfy. I might be tempted to sleep in it myself.

Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I'm so excited we won! Icy adores her new bed..unfortunately Phoebe loves it too and sneaks into it any chance she gets, LOL!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

It really is so beautiful! We just love it. Icy lets Phoebe sleep in it sometimes.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

It's a great bed! It's really comfy and it's beautiful. I don't mind having it in our bedroom at all!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Yes, it's a great bed, my dogs love the side bolsters. I'm so glad you'll be at BlogPaws, I'll see you there, I'm an Ambassador so please come find me! How exciting to live on a sail boat, that is so cool.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

It's a beautiful, comfy bed. What a great giveaway, I'm thrilled that we won!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

It's super comfy!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I know, right!? It's so beautiful and comfy. The dogs love to lay in it. I'm so glad you'll be at the conference and that the kitties are coming! Let's definitely connect there. I look forward to seeing you!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

LOL! This bed is for Icy but Phoebe is always sneaking into it every chance she gets!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

They are LOVING it Paula! Thanks so much for this wonderful giveaway. They love the bed and it looks beautiful in our bedroom. (- :

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Yes, I'm thrilled we won this lovely bed. The dogs are really enjoying it!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thanks Caren! It really is beautiful as well as super comfy. The dogs are loving it.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thanks Tonya, I was so excited to win! It's a great bed, so beautiful.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

It is Super dreamy! I love this bed, it's beautiful and comfortable, especially with the side bolsters - they love that.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

They sure are loving it! I know, it's pretty awesome for their backs. I think they've been around for a little while. They're so spoiled aren't they, LOL!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

It's so comfy! The dogs are loving it.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

It's a great bed. Icy has been good about letting Phoebe have it sometimes.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

ME TOO!! Thanks Carol, I'm so excited about that. I can't believe it here already. It seemed so far away and now it's around the corner! YAY!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

The bumpers are so great, Icy loves to sprawl out over them. I feel like I want to nap in it myself, LOL! I can't believe you won't be there!! I was so hoping we could do coffee time together. )- :

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Well, Icy is pretty good about letting Phoebe in the bed but it is really for Icy. Phoebe is so small in it!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Oh yeah, I'd love to snuggle up to this bed! It's such good quality and so comfortable.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I know right!? I think it was for a Pet Bed so either a kitty or doggie could win. I just love this bed, it's so gorgeous & great quality. We love it.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I'm sure they would Love it! Icy loves napping in it.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Definitely a super stylish and comfy bed. We all love it!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I am always tempted to sleep in it myself, LOL!

Unknown said...

I think Haley's about ready for a new bed and this one looks super comfortable from the look on Icy and Phoebe's faces. I think the memory foam would be good for her too, now that she's a little older. Congrats on winning and thanks for sharing this!

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