

Dog Friendly Beach!

What's more fun than a dog friendly beach?!  I love seeing the dogs diving into the water, chasing after balls and frisbees, it's a blast!  They have so much fun.  We have a nice little dog friendly beach here in Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island.  It's mainly used by the local residents but the word has been spreading thanks to the internet.

Icy doesn't actually "swim" per se, but she is really starting to enjoy wading into the water up to her belly.  When there are a bunch of other dogs at the beach she gets very excited, her hesitation melts away and wants to join in!  

Icy likes to get up on the edge and watch the other serious water dogs dive in after balls and frisbees and marvel at how they swim!  She won't jump in from the edge, she will walk gingerly down the aluminum dock launch or walk in via the sandy beach.  I'm glad she doesn't dive in, it can be dangerous for any dog to dive in when the tide is low and the water is shallow. 

Look how much fun these dogs are having jumping into the water, swimming and chasing balls and frisbees!!  I hope Icy will one day join in with exuberance like these dogs and really SWIM!  Who has more fun at the beach than these dogs!?

Icy is a total people lover, she loves every person (as well as every dog) she meets!  She insists on greeting all the humans at the dog park, pet friendly beach, and pretty much everywhere else.  You may think that's great, but actually it is sometimes an issue.  Other dogs are often possessive of their humans.  Icy has been "corrected" by dogs several times  "Hey, Husky Girl, get your big snout away from my hu-mom!!"  I always have to keep an eye out for her being too friendly with the other pet parents.  Their fur kids don't always appreciate it!

It was an awesome day at the dog beach, we are so glad it's beach weather again!

Summer is around the corner, so keep these Pet Beach Safety tips in mind as the weather warms up!

Planning a beach vacation this Summer?  The stunning, pristine beaches of The Hamptons and Montauk on Long Island, New York are really special and can be surprisingly dog friendly, if you now where & when to go!


(This is a PetSmart Affiliate Link; if you purchase something through this link, I may receive a few cents as a PetSmart Affiliate Partner)

Do you take your dog or other pets to pet friendly beaches?  What does your pet like most about the beach?  Leave us a comment and share!


Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Our lake is still covered in ice. In a few weeks Phod will be able to get back to his swimming!

Tenacious Little Terrier said...

Mr. N doesn't really swim either but he wades. He loves running free at the beach best and we're going later this month!

AmyShojai said...

I don't know if my comment posted or not, so will try again. The "cattle tank" on our property is the only water available for doggy wading. And it's not healthy so ...we have to keep Magic out of the water. *sigh*

Hindy Pearson said...

What beautiful scenery and the dogs look like they're having fun. The beach near us only allows dogs certain times of the year, so it's such a treat watching dogs splashing around and having a blast. My dogs won't go near the water, so I have to settle for watching others!!

debbie carter said...

This looks so fun! We have a wader too! Our boy Helo has only "swam" once or twice and only a few paddles. He prefers to walk or run in the shallow water and if it's REALLY hot, he'll let his belly get wet. I wish we lived closer to the beach, I know our dogs would love it.

DawgBlogger said...

Dog-friendly beaches are fantastic. Back in Kitchener, we could drive up to an old quarry, which became an unofficial dog beach. Jasmine loved going there. It was all dogs, surrounded by woods to walk around, spring-fed lake to swim in.

Carleenp said...

I love going to dog beaches! I don't take my own dogs since they are not fans of either water or dog parks, but I like to go and just watch the other dogs have fun.

Impurrfectlife said...

Nice day at the beach. Icy is fearless! They all looked like they enjoyed themselves in the water.

M. K. Clinton said...

We are going to take the boys to the beach one of these days. I'm sure they would love the smells even if they aren't fans of the water.

LaylasWoof said...

I love dog friendly beaches and we have quite a few here in the Bay Area BUT Madam will not go near the water, I walk in it ankle deep and she walks on the sand next to me, quite funny LOL

Karen H. said...

Looks like lots of fun! Icy seems to be figuring it out, she seems to like seeing all the humans as much as the swimming. She's having fun, that's what's important!

Kristin Avery said...

Ruby is similar to Icy. She likes watching the other dogs playing in the water, but is hesitant to dive in herself. We went to a beach last weekend and she did put one paw in the water - which was HUGE progress!

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

My friend lives out on the island and I'm going to tell her about this beach. I think her dog would love it.

Raising Your Pets Naturally with Tonya Wilhelm said...

I saw dog-friendly beach, and I was in! This beach looks like a great spot. I love the way it is shallow for splashing. Dexter would LOVE that!

M Dawson said...

Oh my!! Have you ever seen a Labrador and water?? WOOOOOO LOVE IT LOVE IT ** SPLASH ** Shake!!!!!

I'd glad you have a dog friendly beach, dogs on the Kapit Coast beaches here can go on the beach but need to be on a lead. Tell some of the idiots that though......

Beth said...

We don't have a dog friendly beach that I know of around here. We took Sophie and Nelly to one a few years ago. Neither of them swam, but Sophie enjoyed herself in the water. I think if we had more time, she would have loved it and even jumped in off the dock.

Unknown said...

We think dog friendly beaches are PAWsome. Our faves here in California are Dog Beach in San Diego and Pismo Beach. Looks like you all had a really fun day! Smiles, Barks and Wagging Tails, Denise & ~Shasta

Kitty Cat Chronicles said...

What fun! Sometimes I wish that cats like to swim so I could do things like this with my adventure kitties. I can totally relate to having an overly friendly pet too, by the way :) Sophie is the same way! She tries to make friends with every person and animal that we see when we are out at the park or anywhere else. It can be problematic because she will walk right up to a growling dog! She has no fear... both a blessing and a curse!

Bryn Nowell said...

I've only been to one dog friendly beach before, but I would like to imagine that that's what heaven will look like. The dogs were SO HAPPY bounding in and out of the water, prancing around, smelling the smells, and visiting other humans. I hope to bring the pups to a dog friendly beach this summer! Thanks for this post!

Robin said...

What a beautiful beach! I'm glad that Icy is learning to enjoy water. :) Dogs always seem to have a great time swimming at the beach. You had the perfect day for a beach outting too!
-Purrs from your friends at

Sweet Purrfections said...

I honestly haven't noticed if there are dog friendly beaches around us. We have several lakes with beaches in SC and we have the Atlantic Ocean. I know there are several beaches on the coast that are dog friendly, but some are only that way at certain times of the day. I think there are restrictions if it is a busy touristy beach.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

You still have ice?! Wow, we haven't seen ice in quite a few weeks, much to icy's dismay & Phoebe's delight!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Icy will go up to her belly, Phoebe maybe just dips her toes in, LOL!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I do keep comment moderation on all the time now, due to excessive spammers! The cattle tank doesn't sound too pleasant, LOL! Good idea to keep Magic out of there.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

It's SO much fun! One of the very, very few beaches dogs can go on anywhere around here on Long Island. I loved watching all the dogs dive for the balls & frisbees, they're so funny!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Icy really likes to just wade in, maybe up to her belly. She's not really a swimmer... yet! I think dogs & beaches go together great!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

The accidental Dog Beach, I LOVE it!! I so wish we had more dog friendly anything out here on Long Island, there are so many restrictions it's hard to keep up.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

It can be just as much fun to watch other dogs diving and playing in the water! I loved watching all those dogs in action here, it was great fun.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

She can be fearless, but this time she was more of an observer. It took awhile for her to get her feet wet but once she did she loved wading in & out of the water!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I think they'd enjoy scavenging along the beach - so many crazy smells! There's always a few dead crabs, horseshoe crabs, and all kinds of seaweed stuff! Phoebe loves it, she's in heaven just scavenging along the beach.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I love them too! Even if Layla doesn't go in, it's still fun for them to sniff all sorts of gunky stuff along the shoreline, LOL!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

It was super fun, for both of us! She loves greeting everything on 2 or 4 legs, she is highly social.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Hey, one paw in the water is definitely progress! Baby steps, Kristin, baby steps.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

It's a bit hard to find, but feel free to put her in touch with me and I can help her make her way there & down to the water.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

It is such a cool little nook, and not well known by those other than locals so it doesn't get overrun. It's also super fun when the tide goes way out, your dog can sniff around for all sorts of weird, smelly stuff, LOL!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I know, Labs love water! Huskies not so much, at least not Icy. I hope she starts to love it, seeing all those other dogs splashing around definitely got her excited! I hate when people don't obey the leash laws, it's so unfair!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I hope you find another beach for Sophie so she can discover her inner mermaid! Even when they don't swim, all those smells along the shore are enticing for dogs!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I think they're Pawsome too! I've heard of the famous Dog Beach in San Diego, I wish I could go there with my dogs. I meant to go when we lived in Phoenix, but sadly we never made it out there. )- :

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Your cats have such great adventures, they don't even need a beach! I'm in awe of all the fun stuff you do with your kitties Emily. Wow, Sophie is fearless! Better key an eye on her w/ crazy dogs around.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I totally think a beach is Doggie Heaven! They have so much fun splashing around and smelling every disgusting thing on the beach, LOL!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

We did have the perfect day for a beach visit, we loved it! She was very excited seeing all the other dogs splashing around in the water, she wanted to join in but was a bit tentative. She went in up to her belly though, which is great.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Yeah, most beaches seem to have restrictions for dogs only being allowed early am or after 5pm. It's a good restriction though, because the hot sand can be very dangerous for dogs' paws!

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