

Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring!


We're saying goodbye to cold Winter weather and welcoming Spring!
Icy is one dog that probably isn't all that happy about saying goodbye to snow!

Dogs are welcoming Spring!
Phoebe loves the warm weather & all the flowers so she's happily welcoming Spring!





Unknown said...

Poor Icy ---- what will he do with no snow or cold to have fun in?

Lapdog Creations said...

Yay - we're happy to finally say goodbye to Winter for awhile!

Unknown said...

I'm with Phoebe! Can't wait for the warmer, sunnier weather to arrive - except for the nasty humidity, then it might as well be snowing LOL!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Hello spring!!
Lily & Edward

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

We almost believe it is spring one month in lol!

M Dawson said...

Oh Icy DID make me laugh. 'But I LOVE winter Mum!!" We don't get such freezing cold winters in our area, just grey, wet and stormy weather, so I need my daylight lamp!

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

Happy spring, girls! We always love your photo shoot backgrounds.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Such sweet photos of both of you. We didn't get much snow, but we did enjoy the colder weather. Spring is pretty, but Mo m doesn't like the muddy puppy it brings:(

Woos - Lightning and MIsty

Kings River Life said...

My dogs love it when it gets warmer! They hate the cold and rain.

Unknown said...

Happy Happy Spring! I love the spring flowers, but not so much the pollen this time of year. However, I'm getting really excited for pool and beach weather this summer.
-Jessica from Beagles & Bargains

Unknown said...

Haha you sure can see the different opinions about the weather changing in their faces! Love ICY looking all like HUMPH! And sweet Phoebe looks so curious and ready to chase butterflies! So cute!

Beth said...

We have had such crazy weather it is hard to know what season it is! However in the last few days, the first flowers started blooming. I just wish spring didn't mean seasonal allergies for Nelly!

Raising Your Pets Naturally with Tonya Wilhelm said...

Spring. I am so in! Icy and Phoebe look amazing as usual.

Impurrfectlife said...

What cute portraits. I can see they crossed this off their bucket list. Phoebe is excited, Icy not so much. LOL They both look adorable though.

Unknown said...

OMG I love that little dog's head tilt. If only I can get mine to look at the camera....

The Daily Pip said...

I like snow, too, Icy! Be glad you are not in the Chicago area because we didn't have much snow at all this year and very mild temps. Ruby is like Phoebe and definitely prefers spring. Adorable pictures

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, winter seems so far away now. I hope Icy can find lots of cool shade this spring and summer while Phoebe is enjoying all the warmth.

Brando and Bogart said...

Sorry Icy! We agree with Phoebe--winter's gotta go!

Tenacious Little Terrier said...

We are so happy spring is here! We're going to the tulip festival soon so I'm excited about that.

Unknown said...

We are getting a little (much needed) rain this week but I am so incredibly happy that spring is here! The dogs are totally psyched!! Happy spring to you!! :-)

Kitty Cat Chronicles said...

We are with Phoebe on this one! We are loving the beautiful spring weather!

Unknown said...

loved the pics of Icy & Pheobe and the way you did the post

Unknown said...

We're with you on this love Spring until it gets too hot here!

M. K. Clinton said...

We only had about two days of winter so we are pretty much in early summer already. LOL! The flowers are awesome though ♥

Unknown said...

Phoebe has the most adorable head tip! Were you saying the word "cookie" perhaps?

Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

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