

Improve Your Social Media and Blogging Skills At The BlogPaws Conference

BlogPaws is the premier online social media company for Bloggers, Micro-bloggers, & Social Media Influencers.  Enhance your Blogging & Social Media Skills! 
Join us at the BlogPaws Conference in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina! 
May 18 - 20, 2017 
Sheraton Myrtle Beach Convention Center Hotel
Myrtle Beach, SC 
This post is sponsored by the BlogPaws® Pet Influencer Network™. I am being compensated as a BlogPaws Conference Ambassador to help share information about the BlogPaws 2017 Conference but we only share information we feel is relevant to our readers. BlogPaws is not responsible for the content of this article

Have you registered for the BlogPaws Conference and reserved your hotel room at the Reduced conference attendee's rate yet?

If you haven't registered don't delay, this conference WILL sell out!  Register for the conference and enter code:  BP17-10off-Ambassador to get my 10% Ambassador's Conference Discount!

As a Conference Ambassador, I'm pleased to offer you my AMBASSADOR 10% CONFERENCE DISCOUNT!!  Use the code  BP17-10off-Ambassador to receive 10% off the price of your conference ticket!  Click here to Purchase Your Conference Ticket   (discount applies only to the conference ticket, not hotel or airfare and is not available to members of the BlogPaws Influencer Network i.e. those who have gotten paid for campaigns through the BlogPaws network)

If you've bought your conference ticket but haven't reserved your hotel room at the discounted conference rate, don't wait!  There are only a limited number of hotel rooms at the discounted conference rate at the Sheraton Myrtle Beach Convention Center Hotel so Reserve Your Conference Hotel Room now!

BlogPaws 2017  Conference will sell out so don't delay, get your tickets & reserve your hotel room now!
Our beautiful conference venue, the Sheraton Myrtle Beach Convention Center Hotel

My BlogPaws Conference Story:

When I first started blogging I had no idea what I was doing, and I didn't know any other bloggers out there.  My friends and family weren't bloggers and didn't understand what I was trying to accomplish with my blog.  I had no network of like-minded pet lovers that I could share with or learn from, I was eager to connect with an online community.  

Finding BlogPaws was a total game changer for me.  If I hadn't found BlogPaws I would have given up on blogging and social media altogether.  That would have meant giving up on my passion for sharing what I know about pets and animal welfare, and turning that passion into a full time endeavor.  It may sound a bit extreme but it's true, I was only a few months from giving it up completely because I felt like my blog was going nowhere fast!

I found BlogPaws in 2014 and it changed everything for me. I quickly discovered that I didn't know what I didn't know about blogging and social media!  My first conference was a whirlwind of learning and networking.  I knew there was a way to make blogging a business and that there were people doing it. The trouble was, I had NO IDEA how to do it!  But by the end of the conference I felt like the full time blogging life I was dreaming about could actually become a reality!  Thanks to the learning sessions at the conference I had a better understanding of how to "monetize" a blog, how to use social media to promote content and much more

After that first conference, I was on my way to pursuing a life of working from home as a pet blogger and social media influencer.  BlogPaws conferences offer learning sessions at all levels, so each year I've learned and grown my blogging and social media skills more and more.  I've expanded my network of bloggers, social media experts, and brands as well.

In reviewing my Blogging Goals for 2017,  I'm thinking about which Agenda Topics will be the most relevant for me to attend at this year's conference.  Here are just some of the sessions I'm most looking forward to attending:

One of my goals is always to continue growing my blog, so I will definitely benefit from attending one of the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) sessions.  SEO optimizing each of my blog posts will help me get my numbers up.  It's not all about the numbers of course, but if I'm putting my heart and soul into everything I write, and I want to consider my blog a business (I do!), then understanding and utilizing SEO is a must.  There's a session for beginners and one for advanced bloggers, I just might attend them both!

 Another goal of mine is to line up more campaigns for myself.  The working session on What Are You Worth In 2017 And How To Make Brands Believe It is definitely on my radar!  There's also a Branding Workshop that will talk about creating a blogging brand strategy and what brands are looking for in the Influencers they choose to work with on their campaigns.

 Online Video Marketing has begun to dominate, especially on social media channels. reported that "by 2017 online video will account for 74% of all web traffic"  Needless to say, a session on improving video skills is on my agenda.  There are two great video sessions offered at the same time, I've got 3 weeks to decide which one to take!

 How To Set up Shop and Monetize Selling Your Own Product is another one I'm interested in.  I've got a product idea but I'm not sure how to bring it to fruition.  I'm really looking forward to getting some solid guidance at this session!

 Fabulous Keynote Speakers always provide a wealth of information and a hefty does of motivation!  I can't wait to see what Digital Marketing expert Jay Baer and expert Marketing Strategist Kathleen Gage have to share with us.

And of course there's  FUN stuff like the Yappy Hours, the Revamped Cat Lounge, the Special Events hosted by conference sponsors, and the Conference Grand Finale, the Nose To Nose Awards Dinner!

Whatever level your social media or blogging knowledge and skills are at, there are presentations and sessions that are right for you.  The BlogPaws conference is jam packed with sessions that will help you enhance and expand your blogging and social media skillset.

BlogPaws blogging & social media Conferences are totally Pet Friendly so you can bring your furry, feathered, or scaly muse along!  Get your conference ticket & book your hotel room, before they sell out!
BlogPaws conferences are totally PET FRIENDLY!  That's right, you can bring your furry, feathered, or scaly Muse along!

I regularly visit the BlogPaws web site to stay current with all things blogging, social media and pets!  The myriad of social media, blogging, and pet-related educational articles and resources on the BlogPaws site is unparalleled!  There's so much to learn and share on the BlogPaws web site and it's FREE!

BlogPaws is an inclusive, global community of pet enthusiasts who write about and support pets via social media.  They connect brands with pet parents and pet parents with each other.  BlogPaws is  shaping social media excellence, influence and education one amazing pet parent at a time!

What are you hoping to achieve for your blog and social media strategy this year?  How do you think the BlogPaws conference might help you accomplish your goals?  Leave us a comment, we'd love to know what you think!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of BlogPaws. The opinions and text are all mine.


M. K. Clinton said...

It is the best days of the year! I will definitely be there next year!

Kolchak Puggle said...

I really want to make the session on setting up shop, but we'll see how time goes. There are SO MANY great sessions.

I love how you mention that connecting with like-minded people was a game changer for you. I couldn't agree more. I used to really quietly blog. It was like the family secret that I did this weird internet thing. These days? I'm crazy proud of my site and my family doesn't hesitate to share it. That's because BlogPaws connected me with people who "get it" and encouraged me to embrace my pet blogger status. I can't imagine what would have happened if I hadn't found BlogPaws. Like you, I probably would have given this up.

Rascal and Rocco said...

I so wish I could go! It's just too much for me this year. I could really use some education on video as well. I know it's taking over, but it's not something I'm very comfortable with.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

It sure is! I'll miss you so much at this year's conference Melissa!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I'll see you at that session & we can learn how to set up show together! You're lucky your family can share your work, mine really doesn't get it and even when they do they have no online accounts & can't share! I'm just glad I finally found my "tribe" as they say.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I wish you could go too Leah! I'm getting better with my video but I need help for sure!

jank1961 said...

Tickets are bought, room is booked, and road trip and mini vacation are planned! I can't wait. There are so many great topics this year and I'm interested in a lot of the same ones you mentioned.
Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Awesome! Great idea to make it a mini vacation, I'll see you there. Jan!

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