

Bleeding Hearts

Bleeding hearts are among the most beautiful and delicate flowers.  I plant two types in my garden, the Fern Leaf Bleeding Heart and the Traditional Bleeding Heart.

Dogs in the garden

Fern Leaf Bleeding Hearts are strong and resilient.  They bloom early and last throughout the entire growing season. 

Dog among the bleeding hearts flowers

Traditional Bleeding Hearts are fragile.  They bloom early but their beauty is fleeting, only lasting a few short weeks.

My dog Phoebe among the bleeding heart flowers in the garden

My Bleeding Hearts are dedicated to my friend Susan who is going through a terrible and painful time in her life right now.  She is like the Fern Leaf Bleeding Heart, strong and resilient.  Like so many others, my thoughts and prayers are with her today.  Stay strong, friend.

"That which does not kill you makes you stronger" -   Friedrich Nietzsche, German Philosopher



Hindy Pearson said...

What a beautiful sentiment. I took have bleeding hearts and they are stunning.

Unknown said...

I wish your friend all the best in her difficult time. I have bleeding hearts in my garden as well but they have not bloomed here yet.

AmyShojai said...

Not sure my comment went through so trying again. My grandmother had lovely Bleeding Hearts in her garden. I wish the best for your friend, too.

Lapdog Creations said...

They're beautiful! I've always loved them. Great pics!

Unknown said...

What a special sentiment to your friend Susan! Love the pictures. Bleeding hearts were always my mom's favorite too. She always has some growing in her gardens.

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

Your flowers are beautiful. My prayers are with your friend today. P.s. Phoebe looks adorable.

Two French Bulldogs said...

We love those flowers
Lily & Edward

Unknown said...

So lovely to dedicate your flowers to your friend. I hope she finds comfort in your support and I wish her the best. They are beautiful flowers.

Brando and Bogart said...

Bleeding hearts are my absolute favorite flowers! They are so pretty! <3

M Dawson said...

I know this, I had white ones. I think the name was Dicentra Spectabilis Alba - I have no idea why or how I remember this! This is a gorgeous plant and gives such pleasure when it is in flower.

What a trea to see it. :-)

M. K. Clinton said...

I feel so sorry for Susan. She will survive this with the love of her friends. ♥ Your flowers are beautiful. I'll have to plant some too.

Raising Your Pets Naturally with Tonya Wilhelm said...

I hope Susan is doing better. These are lovely flowers. I'm not sure they are for me since they are so dainty. I'd probably squash them. I'm not very graceful.

Unknown said...

thanks for sharing about these beautiful flowers. Sorry about your friend's difficult time...If I can help in any way, please let me know ~Dear Mishu

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Love a bleeding heart too. Sending the best to Susan.

Sonja of MontecristoTravels said...

We have the dark purple and magenta ones on our balcony every year in an urn! high off the ground mind you!

Beth said...

Sending positive thoughts for your friend, I hope things improve for her soon. I love bleeding heart plants, they are so beautiful.

Unknown said...

I am just now getting ready to plant my garden and I am always on the lookout for new flowers. Thanks so much for sharing this and for the idea!

Impurrfectlife said...

Bleeding hearts. I learned something new today. They are pretty but look fragile. I pray for your friend that she has strength and wisdom to help her in whatever her situation to carry her through the storm.

Sweet Purrfections said...

I don't think I even knew there was such a flower as Bleeding Hearts, but they are beautiful!

Ruby said...

Oh, I loves those!!! I thinks Ma tried to grow the traditional ones, and well, they didn't make it. sorry poor flowers.....Maybe she needs to try the fern ones!
I am so sorry abouts your friend...I am sendin' lots of AireZens and good thoughts to her. and slobbery kisses...☺
Ruby ♥

Talent Hounds said...

Your bleeding hearts look so beautiful. Sorry to hear about your friend Susan. Sending hugs.

The Daily Pip said...

I love Bleeding Heart Flowers, too. Though I admit I was only familiar with the fragile ones. Happy to learn of the stronger fern leaf variety. Sending much strength and support to your friend Susan!

Unknown said...

I never knew what those flowers were called, they're very beautiful. Just like the tribute to your friend Susan. I know a Susan too that's going through a difficult time, she'll love this.

Unknown said...

We are just planting our garden now that it's stopped raining. Thank you for the inspiration!!

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