

My Dog Is Lord Of The Manor at Coindre Hall

One of the things Long Island, NY is well known for is it's "Gold Coast".   From the 1890's until after World War II, Long Island was one of the places the super rich flocked to.  Over several decades wealthy families built lavish, pretentious estates.  Post WW II, many of those homes were sold off or taken over by local government.  One such estate is Coindre Hall in Huntington, Long Island.  The 34 acre estate was constructed in 1912 but the original owner lost it following the stock market crash of 1929.  It lost most of it's glory and today is owned by the public parks department of Suffolk county.  The good news is that the outside grounds are dog friendly!

Dog Friendly Coindre Hall in Huntington Long Island, NY
Icy on the grounds of Coindre Hall.  You can see the old mansion in the distance.


This place looks like something out of Taylor Swift's music video Blank Space.  Actually, that video was filmed at Oheka Castle which is also in Huntington just a few miles from Coindre Hall.  It should come as no surprise that my favorite parts of her video are all the animals that appear in it!  I especially loved the two beautiful black Doberman Pinschers walking with the couple across the grounds of the castle.  Psst! Hey Taylor, Icy gives your Blank Space video 2 paws up!  She would love to appear in one of your awesome music videos too - she's available any time you might have a need for a lovable Husky who loves to give sloppy kisses!!

The moment we saw that video we recognized Oheka.  They do weddings there and we were considering it for our wedding back in 2004... until we found out the price - Yikes!!  We did, however, spend our wedding night there.  We couldn't afford to have our actual wedding at Oheka, but we could afford one night's stay, LOL!  Unlike Coindre Hall, Oheka Castle does not allow dogs.


Coindre Hall overlooks the Long Island Sound.  At the end of the grounds is a small beach area.  Walking along this wall by the water is a bit precarious so we only let Icy get up there for a quick photo op.  The wooden pier in the background was destroyed during Hurricane Sandy.  Sadly, it has never been rebuilt.  John and I used to walk out on that pier to watch the sunset.  It was very romantic, we really miss that.

Dogs love the beach and Icy is no exception.  Coindre Hall leads down to the water and a small beach

Check out how high the water level is!  Usually, Icy and I can step off this dilapidated dock and walk along sand into the water.  The tide was so high, there was virtually no sand visible.  One of my earlier posts showed the beach during low tide, with lots of dogs playing on the beach and in the water.

Icy at the water's edge on the beach at dog friendly Coindre Hall
Icy was disappointed we couldn't walk along the beach into the water, the tide was so high.
There's a pond on the grounds as well.  Icy loves to explore what creatures might be lurking in and around the pond!

Icy exploring the pond on the grounds of dog friendly Coindre Hall

There is some woodsy area to explore as well, Icy loves sticking her nose into everything!  Thankfully, she didn't stick her snout into any poison ivy!

Icy exploring the woodsy area at Coindre Hall.  Dogs are allowed on the grounds of this mansion


Siberian Huskies love to RUN!  The grounds are pretty large and there were only one or two other dogs there so we pretty much had the place to ourselves.  We let Icy run free without the leash, which we rarely do.  She loved running through the field and up the hill!  We ended our time on the grounds of Coindre Hall by taking a short video of her running up the hill one last time.

Long Island in general isn't very dog friendly, so I'm glad we have a place like Coindre Hall right here in our town.  It was such a wonderful day, Icy was passed out in her doggie bed by 8pm!

Do you know of any dog friendly historic mansions?  Leave us a comment & tell us, we LOVE hearing from you!

Let's follow each other on social media!



Two French Bulldogs said...

Wow how interesting! You look like you you have no problem being king of the castle
Lily & Edward

The Daily Pip said...

Awe, love the video of Icy running! I can't believe it used to be a single family home! Looks like something out of Downton Abbey.

If you drive north of Chicago to what's called the north shore (suburbs), there are some very wealthy communities and big houses - but I don't think any are that large.

Collie222 said...

Hi there!
I enjoyed your post, I take my collies to lots of different places as well. I recently posted about visiting a castle! The grounds weren't kept up as nicely as Coindre Hall.

Isn't it fun imaging what life must have been like back then, all those rich families living on those properties and having lavish parties...

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a wonderful place to visit! Thanks for sharing the background too. How we would love to run with Icy.

Woos - Lightning and Misty

M. K. Clinton said...

Louisiana has some beautiful plantations but they are not dog friendly. I'd love to be able to take photos of the boys at one. It is beautiful where you are and I'm sure your wedding night was wonderful at such a grand location. ♥

FiveSibesMom said...

Oh, what wonderful places to visit! My niece lives on LI and has two dogs, I'll have to share this with her! How I miss the beach! Icy looks like she had a fun time on her adventures. Sharing this over on my FiveSibes FB page! :-)

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Icy was comfortable being Queen for the day at this beautiful mansion!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

That's so funny, this area is also the North Shore of Long Island! It is beautiful historic architecture. The inside of the home is now used for events and it's not very preserved but the grounds are so lovely and the dogs have a ton of fun there!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I love places like this, it really is such rich history and so interesting to see how some people lived back then. The grounds are kept beautifully but the inside of the mansion is only used for events and isn't kept up in a historic fashion.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I love going there, it's such a great place for the dogs. On weekends there are lots of dogs running across the giant lawn and down by the beach. Our dogs definitely would have a blast running & playing together!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

It's very unusual for an estate like this to be dog friendly, I don't know of many like this. It's so great for the dogs!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Oh definitely share this with your Niece! She would love it. The grounds are dog friendly but the area isn't secured completely with a fence all the way around, but it's huge so it's not a problem.

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