

When Should Your Pet See The Veterinarian?

Your pet may be a puppy or kitten, or perhaps you've just adopted an adult dog or cat.  If your pet isn't sick or injured, when should you take them in to see the Veterinarian?  It's not always easy to know when or how often you should vaccinate your pets or take them to the Vet for physical examinations.  PETCO has shared a helpful Info-Graphic to use for reference!

This graphic is great to keep on hand so we'll always know the optimal time for our precious pets to pay a visit to the Vet for:

🐈Well Pet Exams 
🐶Senior Pet Exams 
🐈Examinations before boarding, travel, or even grooming



Your veterinarian is a great resource, not just when your pet is sick or injured, but for preventative health as well. 

Your veterinarian can guide you through the health of your pet at every stage of your pet's life. Your veterinarian can even show you how to properly trim your dog or cat's nails so you don't have to dread trimming your pet's nails yourself!

Daily observations and knowing what is normal for your pet is your best health advantage. Paying attention to times that your dog or cat seems a little off will help your veterinarian diagnose and address problems early.


Having a Veterinarian you visit regularly, one you can ask questions of and who will listen to your concerns, is the best way to build a health care team for your pets.  A good health care team can help promote great physical, mental, emotional, and social health for your pets!

Thanks to Petco for sharing this wonderful Info-Graphic to help us keep our pets healthy from Head to Tail!  For more tips visit the web site.

When you should see your Veterinarian for vaccinations and wellness checkups. Pet Health Care Tips
I do all I can to keep my dogs healthy and happy.  Proper Vet care & a good Veterinary team is essential

Do you find this Info-Graphic helpful?  Please leave a comment and tell us!  We always want to share information that is relevant and helpful to our readers.


Unknown said...

Between both the cat and dog ... I'm at the Vet about every two weeks for various reasons

Lapdog Creations said...

Everyone needs to know their pet and their normalcies. When in doubt, call your vet.

Doggie's Doing A Comedy Turn said...

A comprehensive guide to when to take your much loved pet to the vets for various reasons other than just ill health.

Unknown said...

Regular veterinarian visits with our pets are so important to their health and well being. Even when our pets seem healthy, there can be underlying conditions we don't see and this is where our vets come in. Great graphic

Sadie said...

That is a great infographic. We have an appointment for Reese's annual checkup this Friday. Due to separation anxiety, we head there as a pack. Dr. Mudde is fabulous and does a quick 'once over' of the other pups - regardless of who the appointment is for.

Raising Your Pets Naturally with Tonya Wilhelm said...

We love seeing our vet! Because Dexter has a medical issue, we go at least every 4 months for bloodwork and a physical. Yearly cardio visits because he's a breed prone to heart disease. Great post.

Unknown said...

Regular veterinary visits are a must! I know so many people that only wait until there is a problem before taking their pet.

Carleenp said...

Great graphic. I am a big believer in preventative care.

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

This is very helpful. And since it's fun to read, hopefully people will keep it to refer to. Petco has great infographics.

Kitty Cat Chronicles said...

Thanks for sharing this infographic! Keeping up with vet visits can be challenging, especially if you have multiple pets. Thankfully our vet sends out little postcard reminders when it's time for a wellness check and/or vaccines.

Tenacious Little Terrier said...

We're traveling soon and Mr. N is going to the vet for a quick checkup beforehand. Running some bloodwork too.

DawgBlogger said...

I have to say I'm not really liking having the vaccinations listed first. With an adult dog who had all initial vaccines, one should not have to talk vaccination more often than every 3 years and even then, for many of them, there is the option to titer.

Wellness exams, on the other hand, should be done annually and are extremely important.

Beth said...

Having a vet you know and trust is important! Our dogs go for regular checkups and if they seem to be sick.

Sweet Purrfections said...

This is a wonderful graphic. It's important to have a great connection with vets. Unfortunately, too many people don't take cats to the vet even once a year.

ShaylaS11 said...

Great info! We take the dogs in for their yearly visits, and vaccinations on schedule. It's a relief to always get a clean bill of health, and I love knowing how they are doing! I mean I have checkups, why shouldn't they?

Impurrfectlife said...

There is nothing more helpful than a caring compassionate experienced vet. I remember calling on them for more than just making an annual appointment. Anything from getting help with splitting pill medication to getting referrals for specialists. Veterinarians are supposed to be there to help keep our fur kids is tip top shape.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

LOL! Oh poor babies going to the Vet so often! I'm glad you stay on top of health so diligently.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Absolutely, your Vet is always the best resource for any concerns or questions.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I really like this graphic from Petco, it's so helpful.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

So true, it's easy for us to miss things a Veterinarian would pick up on. Regular visits are a must for us. I'm glad you like the graphic.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I'm so glad you like the graphic, I think it's a great tool. What a great idea to go to the Vet as a pack to help reduce anxiety! Sounds like you have a wonderful Veterinarian!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

You do such a great job staying on top of Dexter's health! It's important to know your pet's health and judge how often to visit the Vet. Glad you like the post, thank you!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

It's so important to do wellness visits to the Vet not only when they get sick or need a rabies vaccination.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Oh me too, Carleen, definitely preventative care is so important. If you wait until there's a real problem it could be too late!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I hope people do keep it handy as a tool. I love Petco's graphics too, they do a great job!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Yes, it can be so challenging in a multi pet household! Those postcards are great, it's easy to forget when it's time to see the Vet.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Fabulous idea to see the Vet before you travel! It's important for pets to be in good health before travel, which can be stressful. Enjoy your trip!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I think when to vaccinate and for what is a decision a pet parent should make with their Veterinarian. There are a lot of factors to consider. I agree that exams should be done at least annually, more so for a senior pet or one with health issues.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I agree, it's so important to find a Veterinarian you can trust. We go every 6 months, mainly because my dogs' day camp requires Bordetella vaccinations. I don't love having to vaccinate them but I do like that they get an exam as well when we go.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I'm glad you like the graphic! I hate that some people don't think it's important to take their cat to the Vet at least once a year, even for a physical exam.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thanks Shayla, I'm glad you like it! I love knowing that they are healthy too, it's great peace of mind.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

You're so right Kamira, a Veterinarian is a great resource! If they're not willing to help you with all things related to your pet's health, find another Vet!

westtoledoanimalhospital said...

This post provided me with some fantastic detail about the veterinarian's visit. The article is both insightful and useful. Thank you for sharing this information. Keep up the good work.animal hospital

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