

Two Shirts Morph into a Fancy DIY Dog Skirt

The BlogPaws Conference was coming up fast, and I wanted to walk the Red Carpet with Icy and Phoebe at the Nose to Nose Awards dinner.  I had an adorable dress for Phoebe, but I could not find anything dressy that would fit Icy with her big 50lb. long body!  Time was running out, so I got a little creative.

I made this skirt last minute for Icy to wear on the Red Carpet at the BlogPaws conference
I searched through old clothing to find something, anything I could work with to make an outfit for Icy that she could walk the Red Carpet in at the conference.

I came across this shirt that belonged to my Mom, who passed away last year.  Icy and Phoebe adored my Mom.  Whenever she came for a visit they'd get so excited and compete for her attention.  She loved them too - she was always sneaking them contra band, like pieces of cheese or salami when I wasn't looking!

I thought this old shirt of my Mom's could be worked into a DIY dog skirt for Icy
The animal print is beautiful and rich, I always loved this shirt. It didn't fit me, but I thought it would be perfect as a little skirt for Icy.  I don't possess the skills to fashion a dress, but surely I could manage a really simple skirt, right?!  So I got to work.

I cut off the sleeves and top portion of the shirt, leaving me with a tube shaped piece.

I decided to cut out what would be the front portion of the skirt.  I didn't want it to get in Icy's way and I wanted her to stay cool when she lay on the floor.  I just needed the skirt to cover her back.

I left the front of the skirt open so Icy wouldn't get too warm in it
I measured, cutting the sides to take it in so it would fit around Icy.  I then sewed/hemmed the piece at the top and slid an elastic band through it to form the "waistband" of the skirt.

The skirt looked pretty plain, I needed some sort of embellishment to dress it up.  I found an old beaded top that had belonged to my Mom as well.  I cut the sleeves off it and used one of them to dress up the waistband.  I attached a gem stone I found for 2 bucks at the craft store to one side of the waistband and it was done!  I sewed the whole thing by hand, my sewing machine is still packed up in the basement from our move to NY.

DIY fancy dog skirt made from two shirts  #DIY #dogclothing
The finished product!  you'd never guess this skirt was made from TWO SHIRTS, would you?

Icy wore a DIY Dog Skirt at the BlogPaws awards dinner
Icy is ready to walk the Red Carpet in her crude but cute, fancy DIY dog skirt.
It was simple but cute, and I kind of love the idea that Icy now has a skirt made from something that belonged to my beloved Mom.  We had donated so much of her clothing over the course of a year, but I still kept many of her things.  I'm sure my Mom was looking down from heaven and chuckling at my Red Carpet creation, but happy that I included her in some way, and kept her in our thoughts during that wonderful event!

Icy and Phoebe on the Red Carpet at BlogPaws

Have you ever made your dog any clothing?  Leave us a comment and tell us about it!


Ranger said...

My Mom mad me a doggie kilt. She is really proud of it. Me... not so much.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Oh cool!! I bet you look super adorable in it Ranger!

M. K. Clinton said...

I love this idea! I have made the boys bandanas but that is all. I need a female dog to dress!

Unknown said...

A dog skirt? Ok, that's the first time I've heard of that. Market them! That's one thing Victor doesn't have.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Yes, you should get the boys a sister! Oh, the fun you'd have with a little girl doggie.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I wanted to buy her a dress or skirt but I couldn't find one in time! I once saw one online that was similar, I think it was on Vegas Dog Rock but I didn't get that one in time either!

Happy-Go-Doodle said...

Awww...what a wonderful way to keep your mom in your thoughts during the BlogPaws conference. That touched my heart. Thanks for sharing this story.

jank1961 said...

Oh, your Mom definitely looked down and loved this! I am hopeless when it comes to this kind of thing. I think I flunked sewing in high school. LOL
Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it, I think my Mom would too.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I think she smiled down & liked it too! My Mom is the one who taught me how to sew both by hand & to use the sewing machine. I'm so not great at it but I can do the basics. I'm amazed this actually worked out, LOL!

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