

A Dog's Ode To Summer

Oh Summer, leaving us already??  Ah, the fun we had .....

My dog Icy enjoying the beach.  #dogsatthebeach

My dog Icy crusin' along the beach  #dogbeach #dogs

Phoebe enjoying the last of the Summer.  #dogs

Dogs enjoying Summer  #dog




Golden Daily Scoop said...

What great photos and memories of the summer! We are going to miss the long daylight hours!

FiveSibesMom said...

I know! Can you believe it is almost over? While I think my FiveSibes and I will be very happy with the cooler weather, I will miss the leisurely summer days. I so love your Icy on the beach photos! Brings back memories of my childhood days spent at Jones Beach! Phoebe looks likes she's enjoying her cool perch! Beautiful pics! Well...we always have pumpkin everything to look forward too, now!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Well, it was either really hot or really wet most of our summer, so we are getting excited for winter, and MAYBE , just maybe, some snow.

Woos - Lightning and Misty

My GBGV Life said...

We are happy for fall and winter, but thankful this month is not very warm.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thanks, I'm glad you like the pics! I know, I love the long daylight hours, they're already getting shorter...

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

No, I cannot believe Summer's over! We hope to get to the beach tomorrow, if we go I should have some nice photos of the Great South Bay. Icy will be so happy with the cooler weather of Fall!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Snow?? Yes Please!! So much humidity this Summer, ugh, my Sibe was not a happy girl.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Icy is really looking forward to the cooler weather of Fall and the snow in Winter - she comes alive during those months. Phoebe, not so much, LOL! She's a sun worshipper.

Unknown said...

Bring on the fall!

M. K. Clinton said...

Bentley will miss laying out in the sunshine and Pierre will miss the lizards! BOL!

The Island Cats said...

Seriously, where did the summer go? In the summer we get open windows and fresh air. We don't that to end.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

We do love the beautiful Fall weather, especially Icy! She really comes alive when colder weather hits! Her energy becomes boundless again, LOL!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Phoebe will totally miss basking in the sun, she loves it.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I know right!? This Summer just flew by so fast, I can't believe it's just about September already!

Kristen @ My 3 Little Kittens said...

As I was driving today, I noticed how much the leaves are already turning colours and dropping. SOOOOO excited! I wish we had a FALL season here. Mostly just summer than winter ..THANKS CANADA!

Shelby Gottschalk said...

Beautiful photos! I am so sad that Summer is at an end! :( What fun was had though. - Shelby G.

Tenacious Little Terrier said...

I think Mr. N will miss being able to go out without a lot of gear. Come fall, a raincoat is almost always needed.

Unknown said...

What stunning photos of your pack this summer. We are not going to miss the heat here in the central valley, we are still >100 ever day, and are looking forward to the fall. However, since we are in the process of a pool being built, the rain can hold off for a while.

Alix Mitchell said...

These are great pictures! I hate to admit it because I'm such an outlier, but I'm happy that summer is coming to an end. Fall is my favorite season, and I absolutely love the cooler weather and am so much more active and productive than in the summer, so I can't wait!

jank1961 said...

It wasn't much of a summer here. The dogs love cooling off in their pool, but we haven't even filled it for a couple weeks now!

Happy-Go-Doodle said...

It looks like you had some very fun summer adventures with Icy and Phoebe! And that you made some great memories! I think Chloe will miss chasing the butterflies in our backyard!

Hindy Pearson said...

Beautiful pictures!! Don't even talk about the passage of time, I can't believe it's September! Jack doesn't do very well in the heat, even though he's from Florida so that's one thing he won't miss. On the other hand, he loves the nice weather so he can go for long walks and runs at the beach or the park. He won't step outside if he even thinks it's raining.

Baymonkey said...

Believe it or not, Fall is our summer in San Francisco. We take Babu to a few beaches but he does not like getting into the water. Phoebe and Icy seemed to enjoy summer a lot!

Unknown said...

Great photos! The summer for us went by way too fast. Sulley and Junior miss the kids being home everyday.

Lifewithmutts said...

Looks like you had a fun summer! We were busy, but with this heat, it seemed to go by wayyyy too slowly. We cannot wait for cooler temperatures and all the hiking, camping, and campfires that come along with it.

Unknown said...

Gonzo will be missing the baby bunnies, but I will not. This is a tough time of year and it's exhausting keeping baby animals out of my yard so they don't get eaten. But Beau loves sunning himself on the deck!

Kruse Kats said...

Summer is ok because us cats are in air conditioning. We like it best when it is in the 70's with windows open for bird tv!

Kitty Cat Chronicles said...

We are glad that summer is on it's way out! It's been way too hot for any outdoor adventures for us, so we are looking forward to the cooler September and October weather. We've got some fun adventures planned! It was actually cool enough yesterday morning that we opened the windows. It was nice :)

M Dawson said...

Oh they look as though it has been the most perfect summer. Icy loves the beach doesn't she? AND I adore the Phoebe post on the bench!

Your loss of summer is our gain, but I hope you get to enjoy some lovely days before Autumn sets in.

Irene McHugh @ said...

Beautiful photos! Bernie and Lizzie miss our early morning walks, and early afternoon frozen treats. Now that school is back in session, all of our schedules have changed, and everyone is still adjusting.

MattieDog said...

Say it ain't so - summer can't leave yet! :) But, I will say, watching Phoebe sitting on a bench is just a delight!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Since we don't go outside, we don't have nice places to visit during the summer. We do like having the AC running and the ceiling fans turning so we can stay cool.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I'm glad we have all 4 seasons here, I missed that during the 10 years we lived in Phoenix where our seasons are basically Hot and Hotter, LOL!! I thought Canada had all the seasons too...

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I'm sorry for Summer to end too, it went by so fast! We do love Fall though, especially Icy. Being a Husky she can only take so much Summer, LOL!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Same thing with Phoebe, I almost always have a sweater on her. She gets chilly so quickly. Icy on the other hand will be in Heaven!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thanks Denise, I appreciate the compliment on our photos! Oh how fun, you're getting a pool - Yay! That helps so much with all the hot temps.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

I'm sorry to see Summer end because I would love more beach time, but I do LOVE the Fall! Lots of hiking with the dogs.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Aww, sorry you didn't get maximum pool time! We didn't get enough beach time for us either.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

We sure did, it was a good Summer but it went by so fast! I love the butterflies so much, they already seem to have moved on here.

DawgBlogger said...

Frankly, I can't wait for the summer to be over. There is the heat, the bugs, the snakes, the bees and wasps ... we are looking forward to snow on the ground LOL

Talent Hounds said...

I hate that summer is ending. What a great way to enjoy summer memories with fave photos. I love the beach and walking in a light dress (no boots, coat, gloves etc) and meals outside. Short dark cold days are tough for both Kilo and I.

Beth said...

Looks like you had a great summer! I'm pretty sure my dogs will miss my son being home from college the most.

Unknown said...

Noo! I'm not ready for summer to go yet. We moved in the middle of it, so that definitely ate up a lot of our time. We'll be trying to make the most of it before it gets too cold to spend too much time outside for sure.
-Jessica from Beagles & Bargains

Anonymous said...

Awww! I love these photos! I'm sad that summer is coming to a close but I also like the cooler weather. Bean and Yoda can't do much outside when it's hot because of their smooshy noses and their propensity for overheating so cooler weather can help with outdoor fun, like hikes and long walks.

Karen H. said...

Looks like it's been a good summer for Icy & Phoebe. It went by so fast, can't believe it's almost over! Think my dogs will miss the longer days. Getting light super early, staying light into the later evening. More walk time.....the Poodle Pair loves walks!

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