

Appearance on the Sibe Vibe Radio Show!

I was so honored to be a guest on the SIBE VIBE Radio Show on Dog Works Radio this weekend!  I felt particularly honored because it was the show's 5th Anniversary and their Back To School episode!  The SIBE VIBE focuses on Siberian Huskies, rescue stories, canine sports and events and much more!  

The SIBE VIBE Radio Show is hosted by award winning Author, Photographer, Photo Journalist, and Blogger at the FiveSibes blog, Dorothy Wills-Raftery.

On the show, Dorothy and I talked about Therapy Dogs and the attributes a dog needs to be a successful Therapy Dog. We talked about the process of becoming a Therapy Dog and we discussed some of the work Icy and I do together as a Therapy Dog team in our community.  

My interview on the Sibe Vibe radio show! #dogs #therapydog
Icy at one of the children's reading programs, posing with a copy of one of Dorothy's wonderful books, Getting Healthy With Harley

We talked about the Kids Read Aloud To Dogs programs Icy and I participate in and how it helps children improve their reading skills by reading out loud to dogs. It was a perfect Back To School topic!  

I mentioned our visits to the local High School as well, which help give students a sense of togetherness and helps relieve some of the daily stress they may feel at school.

The Sibe Vibe radio show invited us to join the show and discuss Therapy Dogs, Pet Travel, and more  #therapydogs
Icy at one of our library visits
Dorothy asked me what my top recommendations for U.S. dog friendly travel places to visit were. I shared some of my favorite dog friendly travel destinations, (Hint: Sedona, AZ is #1) and a few of my most important pet friendly travel tips. 

We ended our conversation by talking about how special it is to be a part of the pet blogging community and what that means to us.
Thanks to Dorothy Wills-Raftery for inviting me to be a guest on the SIBE VIBE show, it was such a pleasure!

Are you ready for Back To School?  What are your plans for the first month of Back To School?  Leave us a comment and share, we Love hearing from our readers!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We know Ms. Dorothy and her Sibes. She has such great information available all the time. She was a great resource for our Mom when Angel Ciara struggled with epilepsy. Mom is going to have to listen to your interview.

As for the eclipse, Mom got to see about 98% in and out of the clouds. She loved it. We were so happy the rains and heavy clouds went away long enough to view it.

Woos - Lightning and Misty

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Dorothy really is an expert on Canine Epilepsy! I'm so glad she could help you and Angel Ciara. I hope you enjoy our interview, we had a really good time!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

well done YOU!!!! That is PAWTASTIC!

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thanks Caren, I think so too! I felt very honored to be asked to be on the show, it was wonderful.

M. K. Clinton said...

I really enjoyed your podcast with the Five Sibes! Great information and I totally agree on Sedona! Bentley and Pierre loved walking through the town and the stores all invited them inside.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Sedona is amazing, I miss it so much.

FiveSibesMom said...

Thank you for being a guest on my show, The Sibe Vibe! It was so much fun talking with you and you shared such wonderful information about Icy and Therapy Dogs and traveling with pets! Loved having you on! I highlighted the show on today's blog! :-)

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Thank YOU for inviting me Dorothy, I really enjoyed it! I have to swing by your blog as well to see your highlights from the show. Thanks again!

Unknown said...

What an awesome opportunity for all of you! I have a mastiff who is ready for his TDI test, but we are having trouble finding an evaluator. We have several reading programs here in the valley that I think would be absolutely perfect for him and something I am incredibly passionate about with my own children. I can't wait to listen to the full interview and follow Dorothy's site as well. Lastly, I thought it was interesting that you picked Sedona as most dog-friendly. I live in Scottsdale and worked up in that area. All of Northern AZ and most of the valley are very dog-friendly. If your dogs can tolerate the heat, it's a great place for dog owners. :)

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Congratulations on being ready for the TDI test, good luck! Do you get tested in an elevator? Pet Partners didn't do that but we did practice. We practiced at the Biltmore Fashion mall, there is an elevator in Saks (they're so dog friendly!) and I think Macy's had one too. You have to search for the elevators but many department stores have them. We volunteered at the Mesquite library w/ Paws To Read.

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