


Halloween is one of the most popular and fun holidays in the U.S.  The National Retail Federation, the world's largest retail trade association, estimated that Halloween spending reached over 12 billion dollars in 2023 on costumes, candy, and decorations! That's a Howlin' ton of Halloween fun!  These days, Halloween isn't just for the kids, it's for dogs, cats, and small pets too!


Keep your dog, cat, and other pets safe on Halloween. Halloween dog Safety,  Dog Safety on Halloween,  #dogs #Halloween
Little Devil Phoebe wishes you a Happy Howloween!!

Of those planning to celebrate Halloween this year, many of them will dress their dogs and other pets up in costume.  Some of the most popular costumes expected for pets are a pumpkin, hot dog, bumble bee, lion, pirate, ghost, and witch.  

Dog Safety Tips for Halloween fun


If you're dressing your pet up in a costume, have your pet spend time wearing the costume before they wear it on Halloween.  Costumes may feel very strange to them.  If it's uncomfortable and your pet just doesn't want to wear a costume, please don't force it.  Not every pet will be happy wearing a costume. Opt for a Halloween bandana or festive collar instead. Up Country makes some gorgeous holiday dog collars, harnesses and leashes every year.

Halloween safety, Keep dogs safe on Halloween, Halloween safety tips for dogs, Halloween safety for pets, Dressing your dog up for Halloween
Don't put your pet in a costume that will make him uncomfortable.

There are some really simple costumes available for dogs that literally just sit on top of your dog's back.  They're lightweight and velcro close under their belly.  A "rider" costume like this may be all your pet will agree to.  In the photo below, Icy is wearing a simple Headless Horseman pet Halloween costume that sits comfortably on her back.  This is actually my favorite Halloween photo of her!

Keep dogs safe on Halloween, Halloween pet safety
Icy is wearing a really simple Pet Halloween Costume that sits on her back comfortably. 

For pets who won't wear a costume, your pet can still look festive with a fun Halloween bandana, collar, bow tie, or stretchy elastic "necklace" or scarf  with Halloween themed colors and designs on it.

Just like with training, use treats or a favorite toy to help create a positive association for your pet with the costume.  However, if they still hate wearing the costume just scrap it. Never make your pet do something, or wear anything, they're uncomfortable with.


In addition to getting your dog used to her own costume, help her get used to all the crazy and potentially scary costume's she will see on other pets and on people.  

Many dogs are afraid of hats, umbrellas and other items people carry.  On Halloween, your dog is likely to see tons of weird apparel and accessories on other dogs and people.  They may see them in the street, at a Halloween event, or even at a party in your own home.  

Take some time to help your dog prepare for all the weird costumes they may see.  Try on some of your old costumes, invite a friend's dog over in costume, or take your dog to a store that sells dog costumes and try some on - with all the accessories!  Let your dog know there's nothing to fear.  Have some treats or a favorite toy handy when you do this.


Candy is toxic to dogs.  Do you have a plan to keep candy well out of reach so your dog doesn't ingest something toxic?  Candy, especially chocolate and anything containing Xylitol can be very toxic to dogs, many dogs and other pets have died from this!

I knew a lady who received a giant bar of chocolate as a gift.  She left it on the bed and her little dog got into it, scarfing it down while she was in the bathroom.  Tragically, her sweet dog did not survive the incident.

Some years ago, a young couple in our dog training class had a beautiful Lab puppy.  While they were on vacation her mother baby sat for the pup.  Somehow this little dog got into an empty bag of potato chips and suffocated.  It was the most heartbreaking thing.  Can you even imagine something so tragic happening to your dog?

I don't share these stories to shock or upset anyone, I share them to inform and warn people of potential dangers.  Please, make sure everyone in your household understands the danger of candy to dogs!  Kids love to spill out their Trick or Treat bags onto the floor or the bed.  make sure they know how important it is never to leave any candy, chips or other sweets where the family dog could possibly get into it.


One of the things that can freak your dog out is the constant ringing of the doorbell when Trick or Treaters arrive, weird looking STRANGERS in your dog's mind!

My dogs used to go nuts in our former house where we had tons of kids Trick or Treating all night long.  After the first year, we put leashes on the dogs and let them sit in the front room with us waiting for the bell to ring. They were much more relaxed when they knew what was happening and could see the kids in their adorable costumes from a safe distance.  The kids got a kick out of seeing Icy and Phoebe too!

If you're entertaining on Halloween, make sure you have a plan to keep your dogs away from the door at all times!  Many dogs and cats end up in shelters due to the craziness of Halloween.  Keep your dog secure during trick or treat hours and during any parties you may be hosting at home.  


Be sure your dog or cat is wearing a collar with updated ID tags.  Collars can easily break off, especially when a pet is frightened and running scared.  To prevent your dog from getting lost amid the Halloween chaos please microchip him now! Cats should also be microchipped. The heartbreak of lost dogs in shelters with no way to contact an owner is unbearable. As an 8 year animal shelter volunteer I can tell you it happens every single year on Halloween.

Halloween is a great time to Microchip your pet if you haven't already!  Any animal shelter or Veterinarian's office should be able to scan a microchip in the event your dog or cat goes missing.  If it's too expensive at your Veterinarian, many shelters offer microchipping at a very low cost.  Halloween is a great time to take advantage of that. 

Halloween Pet Safety Tips to help keep dogs and cats Safe on Halloween, Halloween safety tips, #pets #dogs #Halloween
Don't let Halloween fun turn into a nightmare.  Keep pets Safe!

Don't let Halloween turn all Sleepy Hollow on you and become a nightmare.  Keep your dogs safe!

More Halloween Costume safety tips for dogs

Do you have any Halloween Pet Safety Tips to share?  Please leave us a comment!  We love hearing from you!


M. K. Clinton said...

We will stay indoors during Halloween this year. Pierre will probably match Icy with the Olaf costume. It is adorable.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

Definitely a good idea to stay indoors on Halloween, especially at night. Pierre and icy would look so cute together in their matching costumes!

Anonymous said...

I always put my dog's Halloween costume on him for a few minutes at a time at first, letting him wear it around the house until he gets used to it. On Halloween night, he's used to it and is more relaxed with all the excitement going on. I also give him a few holistic calming drops before trick-or-treat starts.

ShaylaS11 said...

Great tips! I send a flyer with clients every year to remind them of safety measures! Love this!

Lapdog Creations said...

Thank you for sharing these great Halloween tips! We probably won't be venturing out this year...

Scruffy Little Terrier said...

Great tips! We forget how frightening unknown things can be for dogs, we tend to keep them indoors at nighttime so they don't come across any trick or treaters!

Unknown said...

It's always helpful to remind people about pets at Halloween, it can be so dangerous for them! Pet costumes have come a long way, I actually got Taffy a pair of angel wings that's a harness and devil wings for Dolly. I hope they wear them!

Lifewithmutts said...

Great tips! I see way too many people put their dogs in costumes that they absolutely hate. Boomer doesn't like things on her head, which is why she actually had the same exact headless horseman costume as Ice a few years ago. She's used to wearing harnesses, so she didn't mind it at all. Happy Halloween!

Baymonkey said...

I am one of those bad dog mom's who tried to get Babu to wear a viking crown, but then realized he does not like it so it just stays on for 2-3 minutes, long enough for me to get a good photo and off it goes!

DawgBlogger said...

I'm quite glad we don't have to worry about Halloween up here. Pretty soon nobody will have to, as it's going to be replaced by the "black and orange day" :p

Beth said...

I love Icy's headless horseman costume! Halloween is big at our house, but the dogs don't participate. Great tips to keep everyone safe!

Talent Hounds said...

Such important tips as candy and costumes and visitors can all be scary. Kilo usually stays down in his crate with frozen Kongs and Bullwrinkles.

Happy-Go-Doodle said...

Awww...Happy Halloween, Icy and Phoebe! You two always make me smile. Thanks for helping us to have fun AND stay safe!

Unknown said...

I love this! You share not only great tips on how to make the most of Halloween with our pets, but your photos of Icy and Phoebe are adorable! Great reminder as well about keeping candy picked up and out of reach for our dogs.

Impurrfectlife said...

Aww Phoebe and Icy look adorable in their costumes! Great helpful tips too. Wow I had no idea we spend so much money on Halloween costumes!! Be safe & Happy Halloween!

Unknown said...

These are great tips! I'm working an event this weekend to raise funds for a local high school- a pet costume walk and contest. I can't wait to see all the amazing creativity. That being said, I know my dogs would not be able to join in because Gonzo would be too excited and Beau too timid.

Pawz Crossed said...

We aren’t taking our pups out this year cause we have two little girls this time so it would a hand ful. These tips are definitely worth the read before Halloween comes officially!

Robin said...

Happy Halloween to you and your pups! With kitties, I always keep them locked away while the trick or treaters come around. I don't want them running out of the door. Great tips! It would be so scary (and not in a good way) to lose a pet during Halloween.

Beth said...

Happy Halloween! These are great tips to help keep dogs safe during Halloween. We always stay outside to hand out the candy, while our dogs stay inside. It is less stressful for everyone.

Michelle & The Paw Pack said...

Great tips! Since we moved out to the sticks (lol) we've had pretty quiet Halloweens. We don't get any Trick-or-Treaters, but I like to dress my dogs up in simple costumes, mostly to get cute photos, and make them homemade treats. Happy Halloween weekend!!

Terri said...

These are terrific tips! I love Icy and Phoebe's costumes. I remember my mom always making sure our black cats were up on Halloween. Some people can do stupid things on what should be a fun night. I have since made sure all my animals were tucked away safely on Halloween. Thanks for the great tips! And I hope you, Icy, Phoebe, and your family have a happy and safe Halloween!

Impurrfectlife said...

Thanks for sharing these fun Halloween photos and helpful safety tips for the holiday. I hope you, Phoebe and Icy enjoy the weekend.

Dash Kitten Crew said...

Your two look totally precious and completely Haloweeny (is that a word?) Posts like this as SO important because we always forget something and reminders are vital when there are celebrations and fireworks.

Thank you!

LaylasWoof said...

Great and important post, I am not doing anything this year for Halloween as Layla is too old and will not be comfortable in a costume or at a party so we are lying low, Happy Halloween

Anonymous said...

We don't have a big Halloween presence here in New Zealand but I LOVE how my American friends decorate and have such fun. The doggy costums do make me laugh, they look so great (and make me smile!!)

Marjorie Dawson

FiveSibesMom said...

All great tips and they look so cute! I especially love Icy in the headless horseman costume! Happy Howl-o-ween!

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