John and I had just gotten engaged and we were elated! It was something we'd been talking about for at least a year, and we had finally sealed the deal. Everyone was happy for us, and excited for our upcoming wedding the following year!
Shortly after meeting John, I had been so happy - and a little bit relieved, to be honest - when I learned that not only did he love cats, but he quickly fell for my beautiful sweet Calico cat Maggie.
And Maggie loved him right back! Or did she?? On the surface, she seemed to adore John. She loved when he pet her, she rubbed against his legs, and snuggled with him on the couch. She sometimes even napped on top of his tummy!
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Tell me this isn't the body language of a cat who loves the owner upon whose tummy she naps peacefully?! |
Maggie and I owned the home we lived in while John had been renting his, so it made perfect sense for him to move into our home. Much of his "guy stuff" had to be moved into the basement because there wasn't enough room to accommodate our combined stuff. OK, so part of the reason was that some of his guy stuff was just plain UGLY! Ladies, you know what I'm talkin' about, don't you?
The move went smoothly and we happily settled into our new daily routine. Nothing was amiss, until John went down to the basement one day to retrieve one of his ugly guy possessions ... and discovered that sweet little Maggie had apparently been peeing and pooping all over his stuff! Anything that wasn't secured in a plastic container was ruined - YIKES!
We could not believe our eyes, or the assault on our noses! Maggie had never soiled outside the litter box before, how could she have done such a thing?! Was Maggie just a two faced feline pretending to love John while deep down resenting his intrusion on our previously perfect little world of two? Or, was there a logical explanation for herpissy hissy fit of suddenly urinating and defecating outside her litter box? Was she trying to TELL us something?
Hmmm. We thought about what might have prompted this bad kitty behavior, and the reason soon became clear. Prior to John's ugly guy stuff invading a large corner of the basement, that space had belonged to Maggie alone. It was her own little Fiefdom, her Cat Cave. Her litter box was down there, along with some toys and a cozy bed. She loved to creep up inside the rafters of the basement ceiling - I never did understand how the heck she managed to get up there - hiding and observing my laundry and crafting activities from her ceiling perch.
When the ugly guy stuff arrived it must have really cramped her style and stuck in her claw! So she protested in the only way she knew how - by urinating and pooping all over the offending items!
Fortunately, my husband has a heart of gold and a soft spot for cats. He didn't get angry or lash out at her (or me!), he simply dealt with it and we moved on having learned a valuable lesson! You don't mess with the Cat's Crib.
MEDICAL ISSUE: A trip to the Vet can identify, or rule out, a UTI or other medical problem.
UNAPPEALING LITTER BOX: You've gotten a New litter box and she doesn't like it, her litter box isn't Clean enough, or you Moved the box to a location your cat doesn't like.
EMOTIONAL OR BEHAVIORAL ISSUE: Something is upsetting, stressing, or frightening your cat for some reason. It could be furniture being moved or changed, something outside a nearby window such as a scary animal, or as we found out the hard way, someone has moved Ugly Guy Stuff into their coveted space!
So if your cat starts to urinate and defecate outside the litter box don't get mad, do some detective work and Find Out Why it's happening!
Have you ever had to deal with the issue of cats toileting outside their litter box? How did you handle it? Tell us about it in the Comments! We always appreciate hearing your thoughts & feedback.
The move went smoothly and we happily settled into our new daily routine. Nothing was amiss, until John went down to the basement one day to retrieve one of his ugly guy possessions ... and discovered that sweet little Maggie had apparently been peeing and pooping all over his stuff! Anything that wasn't secured in a plastic container was ruined - YIKES!
We could not believe our eyes, or the assault on our noses! Maggie had never soiled outside the litter box before, how could she have done such a thing?! Was Maggie just a two faced feline pretending to love John while deep down resenting his intrusion on our previously perfect little world of two? Or, was there a logical explanation for her
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If your cat is suddenly urinating and defecating outside the litter box, there's usually a reason! |
Hmmm. We thought about what might have prompted this bad kitty behavior, and the reason soon became clear. Prior to John's ugly guy stuff invading a large corner of the basement, that space had belonged to Maggie alone. It was her own little Fiefdom, her Cat Cave. Her litter box was down there, along with some toys and a cozy bed. She loved to creep up inside the rafters of the basement ceiling - I never did understand how the heck she managed to get up there - hiding and observing my laundry and crafting activities from her ceiling perch.
When the ugly guy stuff arrived it must have really cramped her style and stuck in her claw! So she protested in the only way she knew how - by urinating and pooping all over the offending items!
Fortunately, my husband has a heart of gold and a soft spot for cats. He didn't get angry or lash out at her (or me!), he simply dealt with it and we moved on having learned a valuable lesson! You don't mess with the Cat's Crib.
MEDICAL ISSUE: A trip to the Vet can identify, or rule out, a UTI or other medical problem.
UNAPPEALING LITTER BOX: You've gotten a New litter box and she doesn't like it, her litter box isn't Clean enough, or you Moved the box to a location your cat doesn't like.
EMOTIONAL OR BEHAVIORAL ISSUE: Something is upsetting, stressing, or frightening your cat for some reason. It could be furniture being moved or changed, something outside a nearby window such as a scary animal, or as we found out the hard way, someone has moved Ugly Guy Stuff into their coveted space!
So if your cat starts to urinate and defecate outside the litter box don't get mad, do some detective work and Find Out Why it's happening!
Have you ever had to deal with the issue of cats toileting outside their litter box? How did you handle it? Tell us about it in the Comments! We always appreciate hearing your thoughts & feedback.
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Have you been longing to add a feline to your family but won't because you're allergic to cats? How I got Relief From Cat Allergies and Kept My Cats!
I got Maggie as a 9 week old kitten. While I was waiting for her to be ready for adoption I "accidentally" adopted another cat! How my Accidental Pet Adoption turned out to be a joy and a blessing!
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