Spring is in the air! Snow is melted, trees are waking from their slumber, and Spring flowers are peeking through the soil. The soft ground is just right for gardening. Your dog agrees and he can't wait to dig up that soft, fresh earth! Will your dog make like an excavator and destroy your beautiful yard and garden before Summer? Not if you follow these tips on how to stop a dog from digging!
Since the COVID19 Pandemic, dog theft is on the rise. But you don't have to be a victim, there are steps you can take to keep your dog safe. Follow these tips on how to prevent dog theft and avoid the heartache of losing your precious dog.
According to the AKC (American Kennel Club) pet theft statistics show that around 2 million pets are stolen each year in the U.S. Petfinder reports that only about 10% of stolen dogs are ever returned home. These are alarming statistics, the threat of dog theft is real! Take these steps to prevent dog theft.
How To Prevent Dog Theft |