Dog boarding is a service I hadn't used in a long time. Years ago, when Icy was young we used to board her when we went on vacation. We used the PetSmart near our home and it was fantastic. They had trained her since she was 16 weeks old, and she went to doggie daycamp 3 times a week for years. All the staff there knew her and loved her. We trusted them completely and we really liked them so much as people. They became like family. But when we moved, it was challenging to choose the right dog boarding facility for our dog.

Dog in a dog bed. Dogs should be safe and comfortable in a boarding facility.
I want my dog to be safe and comfortable in a dog boarding facility

Fast forward two moves across the country and several years later, we no longer had a pet boarding facility we could trust with our dogs. It hadn't been an issue since we began road tripping with our dogs about 10 years ago. We no longer needed to send our dogs to a boarding kennel. But that changed last month.


If you follow the blog or our social media accounts, you probably know that Icy, our nearly 15 year old Husky, has been experiencing some common senior dog health issues. We have had to pay very close attention to her health needs and make quite a few accommodations for her. 

We had planned a Summer vacation in the Blue Ridge Mountains, which we took our dogs to last year. But we felt torn. We felt strongly that Icy should have another fabulous road trip, possibly her last one due to her advancing age and growing limitations. Our other dog Jessie, who we adopted 2 years ago, is much younger and super energetic. They are not exactly close, unfortunately. Jessie is fearful of other dogs, something we didn't know when we adopted her. The rescue organization wasn't entirely forthcoming about her many "quirks", which is why it's so important to thoroughly research the animal shelter or pet rescue organization you adopt a dog from.

Because of the less than ideal dynamic between Icy and Jessie, and Icy's advancing age and special needs we decided not to bring Jessie on the trip. That may seem unfair to some of you. Traveling with two dogs can be a lot of work as it is. But when you throw in dogs with special health needs or incompatibilities, it is that much more unpredictable. 

We moved here during the Pandemic and have very few family or friends living here. I'm not fortunate enough to have family or friends who are able (or willing) to dog sit for more than a weekend. None of my family or neighbors could take Jessie for the 10 days we would be away, so we looked for a dog boarding facility that could care for her while we traveled with Icy. I looked at several places and finally decided on one that met all my requirements and more.

๐ŸพThey provided a full tour of the facility well in advance, and answered all my questions

๐ŸพThey offered one free day of day camp or boarding so we could check out the facility and see how Jessie would do there. She did very well!

๐ŸพThey have a couple of different room choices for the dogs

๐ŸพThey provide two play sessions daily, both indoor and outdoor play areas 

๐ŸพThey have veterinary care on site just in case it's needed

๐ŸพAnd here was the clincher for me - they have Live Web Cams! I could go online and check in on all the play areas during the day. Rather than have to call them every day to see how Jessie was doing, I could pop into the web cam and see her myself. Ok, so I did call them a couple of times just to get the full report on how she was eating, pooping, and overall getting along. I'm a Dog Mom, of course I went on the web cam every day and called a few times! 

I feel confident that I did the research and made the right choice of a boarding facility for Jessie. If you need to board your dog, be sure to thoroughly check out the facility well in advance.

Visit my Etsy store, Nature and Critters for pet and animal inspired digital and printable cards, gifts and other products! 

I had thought about a pet sitter, but I felt safer having Jessie in a secure facility where she had supervision 24/7, and veterinary care available on site if needed. There are some amazing pet sitters, and they are a great fit for many pets but I felt a facility was the right choice for Jessie.

If you want to board your dog, in addition to what the facility has to offer they will have requirements for you to meet as well.  Make sure you know all their requirements, restrictions, etc. well in advance of booking.


Requirements for dog boarding usually means that your dog must be current on the following vaccinations. This is to protect your dog as well as other dogs at the facility that may come in contact with your dog. 

In a kennel situation, diseases can spread fast so you want your dog to be protected against the most common canine contagious diseases. These vaccinations usually include:

  • Rabies Vaccine
  • DAPP (or DHPP) Vaccine (Distemper, Parvo, Parainfluenza, Adenovirus)
  • Leptospirosis Vaccine
  • Bordetella (aka Canine Kennel Cough) Vaccine

Some dog boarding facilities may also require that your dog be vaccinated for Canine Influenza Virus (Dog Flu). I have never had to get my dogs vaccinated for Canine Influenza, but definitely make sure you are aware of all the requirements. 

Be sure to get your dog the required vaccinations in plenty of time for your dog's boarding check-in. I have found that most facilities require pets to be vaccinated about 7 days prior to check-in. You also want to leave some time just in case your dog has an adverse reaction to any of the vaccinations.

Some dog boarding kennels may have additional requirements such as only accepting dogs that are friendly towards people, have no bite history, or other behavioral restrictions. Make sure you know all the requirements and restrictions before making a dog boarding reservation.  

Also be sure you find out all the dog boarding charges you may incur, over and above the daily boarding fee. Know exactly what the daily fee includes. You probably need to bring your dog's food, with every serving pre-measured and packed up separately.


Dog Boarding Facility

Give yourself time to find the right situation for your dog, whether that be a dog boarding facility, pet sitter, family member or friend. Do you vacation with your pet, or do you use a dog boarding facility, pet sitter, family member or friend? Leave us a comment and share!

Sharing is Caring If you enjoyed this post, please share it on your social media! ❤️

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 Dog friendly Boone, NC
in the Blue Ridge Mountains


Tail Wag Wisdom said...

Great information for finding a dog boarding facility that will care for your fur kid properly. Thankfully, I've haven't needed to board Henry. However, I did leave him with my good friend who live with his best puppy friend for about 3 days while I flew to Portland to bury my mom a couple of years ago. Of course, I called and texted frequently. Funny how much we worry about our furry buddies. But that's what's being a good dog mom is all about, right? I'm so glad that Icy was able to make the trip with you. I look forward to reading that article as well...or seeing the vlog. Pets and cookies to both Icy and Jessie.

Tiffany said...

Great tips! It can be hard to know what to look for. Live cameras are awesome though so you can see your pup with your own eyes and make sure they are doing ok :)

LaylasWoof said...

This is one thing I could never do, there are great facilities here in San Francisco but would still be more relaxed having someone in my house looking after my dogs, I do boarding for friends dogs and it relaxes them also knowing their dogs are with me. Dunno I am not comfy with it LOL but great post and am happy you found a good one

Anonymous said...

I agree 100% that a good boarding kennel gives you real peace of mind. When we went abroad and did not have a trustworthy cat sitter, they were safely housed in a cattery. Yes, in an ideal world a petsitter is brilliant but, if you don't have one you are not wrong you are making sure your dog is safe and well looked after.

If you don't have someone you can trust, a reputable kennel facility is a really good idea.

Marjorie and Toulouse

FiveSibesMom said...

Great information, Cathy. It's so important as you said to "do research" on the facility. We hear so many horror stories, but there are some caring reputable out there, too. As we all know, bad news travels faster than good, so it is always a positive thing to share the good, so others can be aware as well. With having five Huskies, and having a daughter who worked from home really helped, so we did not board. But, I was so very lucky they had a wonderful "auntie" who adored them and would give up everything to have a visit! She's amazing. Had a farm of her own and also agreed to be my FiveSibes' godmother and even said if anything happened, she would welcome them all. That was so important to me to know. My furbabies have now all passed, as you know, but I would do the same again! With five, I was in heaven and just wanted to be home with them, but was lucky my daughter worked from home. (I'd sneak home on lunch some times!) We had one lovely boarding facility near me, that I experienced firsthand, Not with my Huskies, but with my Akita/Shepherd. She got got loose by slipping out of her collar! (My heart still sinks and she has been gone almost 20 years now)...we searched everywhere! (Before the microchipping). Someone had last seen her at an intersection (gulp)...but we continued tracking and discovered some wonderful person pulled over and caught her and brought her to a doggy daycare. We went there and the owner had fallen in love with her and even nicknamed her "Socks" due to the white on her paws. Well, she had such a wonderful time there, we joke she was at Club Pet! I was thankful for them, and that my girl was safe. I left with a whopping bill (but my girl was safe and well cared for). I always said if I ever needed to board, I'd go back there! While I never needed to, was good to know the place was there.And it is good for folks to know about the great facilities as some do not have any other choices, or have other people to come doggy sit at home. The takeaway as you said is research and touring the facility is such great suggestion!

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