A lot of human foods and spices are toxic to dogs and should be avoided, but some of them are actually beneficial for dogs. And dogs find them quite delicious! I use a lot of dog- safe people foods in the homemade dog treats and food I make for my dogs. One of the human ingredients I love giving my dogs is cinnamon. They really love the taste! Is cinnamon bad for dogs? No, cinnamon is not toxic to dogs, although it is advisable to give cinnamon to your dog in small quantities - don't just dump a large amount of it into their food!
I use less than a teaspoon of cinnamon, mostly as a topper for the homemade dog treats I make for them. Any more than that could cause stomach upset, according to my Veterinarian.
My dogs love treats made with cinnamon |
Like any other new food or additive you want to give your pet, always consult your Veterinarian to make sure they don't have any issue with you giving cinnamon to your dog. Your Vet knows your dog's health best, so it's always advisable to consult your Vet first.
Be aware that it is not advisable to let your dog chew on cinnamon sticks or consume cinnamon essential oil. I'm talking about giving your dog the cinnamon in ground powder form here.
Using small amounts of cinnamon in dog treats can provide some health benefits, such as:
🐾 Cinnamon is high in antioxidants
🐾 Cinnamon can reduce inflammation
🐾 Cinnamon can help lower blood sugar
🐾 Cinnamon may reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which can be beneficial for heart health
There are many commercial dog treats that contain cinnamon, but I often prefer to make my own homemade dog treats. I like to add a small dollop of whipped cream to my DIY dog treat creations and sprinkle some cinnamon on top. My dogs have all loved that! I use maybe 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon. That's all it takes to add wonderful flavor to my dogs' treats! Dogs should only have cinnamon in small quantities. Small quantities can be beneficial while larger quantities of cinnamon can cause digestive irritation in dogs.
The key to letting your dog have cinnamon in treats or mixed in with their food is to keep the amount small, less than one teaspoon.
>> Here's one of my favorite super easy, no bake, homemade dog treats that contains cinnamon. I love making this simple treat for my dogs!
Pumpkin Spice DIY treat for dogs recipe
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Dog Friendly fun in Waterville Valley, New Hampshire
I have always wondered if it was okay for them, thanks so much for the article and the idea for a treat!
My dogs just love seasonings in their food! If you cooked them "plain" cookies without cinnamon or soup without a little turmeric in it, they'd probably give it the side eye.
Cinnamon for dogs? I hd no idea how much they might enjoy it and I love the idea of doggy treats. This is a genius idea - after all homemade is better and safer as you are in control of the ingredients.
Marjorie and Toulouse
Your doggie treats look like one Henry would like (well, minus the peanut butter - for some reason he turns his nose up at anything with peanut butter. Makes no sense, he is nutty!).
You know, I've seen a few store-bought cookies with cinnamon. I wondered if it was that safe or if the benefits were as good as for humans. Yes on both accounts. You put that to rest. Thank you!
I love the photo of Icy enjoying a yummy cinnamon topped treat. She was such a sweet pup!
I'm definitely sharing this with my dog parents. I think they'll all love making these cookies and knowing they are healthy. Thanks, Cathy!
I love using spices and foods to enhance our dog's health naturally. Thanks for the advice on the amount! I know too much can be bad but I rarely see an actual amount given.
I have never thought of cinnamon for dogs and now am going to try with Nili when I make her next batch of treats. Thanks for all the info
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